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Heat pads in UK

Heat pads in UK

Hi, I remember reading about a commercial version of the rice sock that you put in the microwave and it lasts for up to 4hrs on here somewhere but I can’t seem to find it now. I was wondering if anyone knew of the best places to buy these type products or good heat pads in the UK for fairly cheap (around £20?). I love my rice sock but it is very inconvinient to have to keep heating it up during my pumping sessions and is the reason why I never used to use heat during the pump but it definitely makes a difference so I think its time to upgrade!

Thanks in advance!

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

Try a google search for heat pads. You should find what you require there, as there is quite a variety offered.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Last edited by petitfaun : 01-25-2010 at .

You live in England, look at the Argos catalogue or even Amazon and you will find some decent heating pads; happy pumping and let me know if you need any other input.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Thanks for the replies. I have looked at argos and amazon and a few other places but neither of them give ratings of power etc and tbh im not sure how hot they are supposed to get so I was just wondering if anybody else from england has bought and uses one?

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

If you can., google on the name of the item which should take you to the manufacturers site, and you should find the information there.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I tried doing that and fund that they don’t give details. So I have e-maied them. If I get an answer I’ll print it here if they don’ answer then stay away from them. (I’ll tell you that as well) :)

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Okay thanks petitfaun, thats very kind of you!

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

You can usually find electric heat pads in the ‘bad back’ section in boots. I bought one from there a few years ago and it did the job well.

PS No replies = No go :)

Lordbase’s post is best advice!

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I do not know what the standard rating is on the heating pad I have, but it’s the Dreamland one, it last for about a year, but if you keep your slip and purchase details you can get it replaced when it dies out. I have recently purchased mine from Argos but in previous years from Boots too.

I hardly do any form of PE without heat, irrespective of whether it’s pumping or hanging.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Thanks Petitfaun. Phenyo- I have seen this heat pad and Im thinking Im going to buy it this week. Im curious about the comment you made about replacing it when it dies- is that the warrenty? How many times have you replaced it and where do you take it to get replaced? Is it suitable for wrapping around the cylinder whilst pumping?

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

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