High Pressure
I’ve been pumping for a couple of months on and off. I jelq also. I read alot of post’s where guys only use about 5hg or 6hg on their guages with short sets. I have a KAplan pump and his instructions say at the end of the set pump to 8hg or 9hg at the end of the set and never exceed 10hg. I usually pump to 7hg to start and then increase the pressure to 8hg or even 9hg. I have cut my pump time down to 10 min a clip. I was getting alot of fluid build up when I was doin 2 20 minute sets. Of course now I dont. My member is totally average and I can’t seem to get it past 6.25 in the cylinder. My question is is my member just not as flexible or am I a little to excessive.