Home Made "Package" Cylinder
Made my first “package” pump cylinder this week. Used a 32 oz, Nalgene wide mouth sports bottle. It’s about 4” in diameter and 8” long. Used a radial arm saw to cut the “wide mouth” off, just before the neck flares out to the full width. Had to grind the inside lip back a bit in order to get a thicker edge. Used a Watts PL-215 Nylon Barb to MIP Adapter, 1/4” x 1/4”, bought at Ace Hardware, as the nipple. Drilled a 5/16” hole in the center of the bottle bottom and then used silicone adhesive to cement and seal the nipple through the bottle. The silicone cement set up enough in 12 hours for me to give it a 15 minute trial the next morning. First, I put on the bottle cylinder for size and traced the perimeter of the lip on my fat pad. Then, I trimmed my pubic hairs around the traced perimeter. Used KY Warm Touch personal lubricant as a lubricant / seal and pulled a good vacuum with my MityVac. But, the lip dug into my fat pad and was not comfortable. That evening, I poured some liquid vinyl in a 4” diameter plastic lid, and dipped the cylinder lip in it about 5 times to create a cushioned seal. Have to remember to use low vacuum and start slowly, since by balls are not as well conditioned as my penis. The cylinder measures about 6.5” in length and my penis just about reaches the end. I measure 7+” BPEL, but I guess I’m somewhere near 6+” Fat Pad Pressed Erect Length. I’m looking forward to some long, low pressure sessions and nice, round, swollen balls to compliment my pumped up penis.
Anyone made their own package cylinder? Any advice?
By the way, I’m uncut and after an hour pumping session, I get a nice fat donut around my foreskin. When I roll it over my glans, it makes the head of my penis look huge. I got to admit, looking at it brings a smile to my face. I’ve yet to make love with a donut on my penis. Anyone done that? If so, what was your significant other’s reaction? MC
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."