Thunder's Place

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How do You Read The Gauge On The Bathmate?

How do You Read The Gauge On The Bathmate?

Greetings. Ive been PEing on and off for quiet some time with manual jelqing and stretching. I just got back into it and ordered a bathmate hydromax x20. I only used it once so far, and had trouble adhering it to my pelvic area. Maybe i went in too flacid, or maybe It just didnt seal well. I always have to give it a few pumps after every 15 to 20 seconds in order for the vaccum to stay and bathmate be sealed.

My question is, how do you read the gauge?
What should beginners pump at ? 3-5hg?
The number on the right(4-6) indicate vaccum?

Im gonna try using it in a bathtub next time and see what happens and if i can get a better seal.

The bathmate doesnt have a gauge but has a safety mechanism instead. If x20 doesnt seal well I can recommend the older Hercules model or new Hydro 7 instead.

What gauge? It doesn’t have one, just like I told you in the PM I answered back to you.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

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