it’s been 3 1/2 months now and I am delighted with the results.
I have to say that I suspect my gains are hard to achieve for reasons unknown but my pumping and jelq time has been very encouraging. As I type this note, I am 8 minutes into my 10min session at 5-6” Hg and will jelq/massage for around 5-10 minutes between 3 sets. If the old boy is still holding up OK I might go a 4th shorter set for good measure. I do this about 5 times a week and in the last 3 weeks have used an old head pad to great effect.
I heat up my cylinder (thick style) in front of a heater till nice and warm and then roll it up in the heat pad which has ties that I can use to tighten the wrap. I then jelq to get things nice and ready for the session. On removal from each pump session, I plug the cylinder with a scrunched tissue to hold the heat inside the tube while I jelq for a few minutes and then off we go again.
One part of the process used to annoy me and that was the clean up and warm down. That has all changed now that I have discovered a brilliant method of washing the old fella down. We have a sink where the rim is exposed and I can tiptoe up plonk the package over the edge and then use a hand shower hose pipe (head removed) to apply a lovely warm rise that feels awesome. I do this for a few minutes and can really feel the difference. In the past the shrivel factor kicked in soon after my sessions but thats a thing of the past.
Wow, I probably wrote this in the wrong spot but what the heck, I don’t write that often so I sure you’ll forgive me Avocet 8.
As for gains, you have heard it all before, a wife that is going off more often than ever before, I watch her face sometimes as she takes it and can see the difference. she will often end our love making with comments about stopping me doing my routines, all tongue in cheek of course.
Anyway as for gains, they have been modest but I have gone from an average of 7.25 under vacuum to around 7.5 under vacuum. I have not measured, bit frighted too, I’ll just be happy to watch me gradually creep up on the 8 on my cylinder. Girth has been more pronounce with me lightly touching the side near the head and about 1.5 inches of base packed. I started with little or no skin pressing on the cylinder higher up.
I almost forgot , I take a teaspoon of L Arganine an hour before to help maintain a fuller unit and I an sure it has a few other advantages.
The best thing is I love doing this stuff, deep down I think it’s going to work given more time. Thanks to all those here who have helped especially WestLA.
Maybe I just should have said yes Avocet8 8-)