Are Pumping Gains Permanent? Wrong Question
Note: This was written as a reply to mraverage’s post #42, found here:
I have had similar discussions with both Clubber and mraverage. I believe this is the route of the problem in discussing pumping gains, and I thought this post may be useful to add to the discussion. For that reason, I edited my post and instead moved it here.
Seems too many guys assume PE, including pumping is something done ONLY as long as required to meet some personal goal - then simply walk away with your gains, and never need to PE again.Not likely, regardless of specific method, hanging OR pumping.
I appreciate your sudden enthusiasm, both in this post and in your new thread, but where are you coming up with this stuff from? Almost all of the major gainers, the ones who have significantly grown larger tunicas and changed their exit points, have permanent gains. That means years off, they lost nothing or near nothing (Bib, Big Girtha, etc.). In fact, the only cases where people report loses are those with minimal gains (could be better blood flow, temporary), those who loose a small amount of their large gains (blood flow possibly, again), or pumpers. So really, your reasoning about the necessity to maintain true tunica growth is unfounded, except for the issue of pumping. Moving on.
SO, the pump has given me a penis I would have KILLED for in my younger years - yeah, especially immediately after a pumping session, which is when I usually engage in sex - SO WHAT?And yeah, the largest improvement requires daily/nightly sessions - SO WHAT?
Those sessions are easily managed - and even if I was younger and didn’t have ED, a pumping session WOULD be part of my agenda prior to a night out - the gains are quite significant and impressive for a very reasonable period of time, certainly long enough to substantially enhance any sexual encounters that might present themselves - what wrong or difficult about that?
Regarding pumping and the permanence of gains, I have some things to say. I believe the reason that discussions on pumping gains have led to no commonly accepted conclusion has been due to the lack of a common understanding of what pumping growth IS. Let me suggest a paradigm with which to analyze your work:
1. Lymph fluid build up: Big Girtha calls this "faux girth," this is what you refer to as short term benefits of pumping. This is similar to surgical girth operations on penises that insert fat under the skin. Your tunica is NOT bigger - this is simply fluid build up under the skin. If you stretch your flaccid penis out and feel the skin, you can separate the now "fat" skin (lymph fluid) from the actual tunica, which will not be at an expanded size. THIS IS NOT A GAIN. This is a healing process the body uses.
-> To test for this: Perform the stretched penis thing I mentioned earlier and palpate - note the thicker skin. Also, you should generally note a softer penis when erect. This is lymph fluid. (mraverage, you are carrying a huge amount of lymph fluid, by the way).
2. Short term expansion: Honestly, I do not know why this occurs. From what I can tell, it’s sort of like a lagged creep in the tunica. This does exist though - not all short term growth is due to lymph fluid, you can have a totally lymph-dry penis and be a bit larger than normal due to pumping.
-> This is what Avocet loses when he takes time off, that quarter of an inch in length.
-> To test for this: Stop pumping and all forms of PE for 2 weeks to a month. The decrease, which should occur quickly and then stabilize, is the loss of the short term expansion. You can’t usually see this visually, the penis will not be puffy, lymph is not built under the skin, but it shrinks quickly (within a month) after stimuli are stopped.
3. Real changes: In the long term, your tunica may be longer and thicker. This is a real gain.
-> Perform the first two tests, if you still have gains when you are sure the answers to the first two are negative, you can be sure you have gained.
Bear in mind that all three of these things can happen at once. You can have edema (lymph build up), short term expansion, and long term gains. The only way to be sure of which you have is to test for each. In other words, don’t update your stats yet.
I used to be of the opinion that any edema or lymph build up was negative, because it often led people here to CHASE the edema, lymph build up, expansion. After some discussions with Big Girtha and paying attention to some major girth gainers, I realized that this view had prevented me from reaching my full gain capacity.
I have revised my view on the matter. I believe it is negative to CHASE edema (as mraverage does, as Clubber did), but that edema in and of itself is not negative, and may even be positive. Instead of chasing edema, chase expansion in general, and try to make sure the expansion you are getting includes short term tunica expansion - edema that comes along with it is alright.
A note to mraverage: I do not mean my post to sound hostile at all. I do not think anything is wrong with what you are doing, so long as you realize you are currently holding all three of these types of gains, the ratio of which is yet to be determined. The reason that I have written this post is not to pull you down, more power to you, but rather because your post adds to the confusion that non-pumpers have (and even pumpers) about what pumping gains are and how permanent they are. My purpose here was only to clarify, the only thing that you said that I felt might be incorrect is implication that hanging gains and other sorts of PE gains need maintenance - I provided my explanation for that above. Good luck with your pumping. By the way, you need a bigger cylinder (from the look of the pictures). Filling the tube is useless.
To conclude: there are various types of pumping gains, and they each have different degrees of permanence.