I warm up at 5 Hg, then after about 5 to 10 minutes I move it up to 7 and stay there for about 5 to 10 minutes, then I go up to 10 Hg and stay there usually. Sometimes though I will do intervals from the 10Hg point once I’m very full up to 15 Hg, but I only stay there for a minute before going back down to 5 Hg and working my way back up. My pluming sessions are a minimum of 20 minutes and usually more like 45 minutes to 1 hour and I do 2 sessions per day when I am not focusing on foreskin growth as I cycle between the two. This strategy has worked well for me. Yes, I do get red spots from capillaries breaking, as long as I don’t get to crazy they always go away quickly. I believe that it’s important to let the fluid really “soak through the penis entirely and this require time and higher Hg. This is not for a beginner at all though! I’ve been using a pump for 16 year and with the real intent for girth growth the last 4 years.
Started: 6.5 x 4.5, foreskin RC-I 2 / Current: 8.5 x 6.3, foreskin RC-I 5+ / Goal: 10 x 8, foreskin RC-I 10 +
My penis is a constant reminder of patient and consistent dedication in realizing goals.