Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

If you gained from pumping what was your routine ?

Been pumping for about 1.5 year. Average of 5 days per week. 20 min to 40 min sessions. Warm up at 5 Hg for 5 minutes then increase to 10-12 Hg for the rest. I find that I have to really feel the pressure on the tissue for it to work, and that’s over 10 Hg, otherwise I just get liquid buildup and the results are gone the next day. I’ve had a few blisters that took weeks to heal, very painful, but now I know how to avoid them and the burning feeling right before they occur, so I’ve avoided them.

I try to do manual stretching for about 10 minutes after, but haven’t been doing it consistently.

LENGTH: I’m up to a solid 8” erect and 8.5” while in pump. GIRTH: 5.5” girth before pump and a bit over 6” after pump.

I’ve definitely made gains, but unfortunately I’ve been casual about it and don’t have starting measurements.

I find I get the most and lasting benefits when I do the manual stretching. I walk around longer all day after manual stretching following pumping and the length even lasts until the next day.

I infrequently jelq after, but have a hard time finding time to pump and jelq. Although it does seem to work better when I do both.

Again, manual stretching is key.

I’ve attached picture for reference.

ILogPE - do you think that pumping at high amounts of pressure is more helpful for length? Were you seeing any length results while your pressure levels were low?

Willstover - were you making gains in length while only using your air pump? Were you only pumping without using any other exercises? Do you feel as though that water pumping was more beneficial than air pumping? Were you able to surpass your plateau by switching from air to water pumping without using other techniques?

Mrreight - did you definitely make gains in both length and girth, or just one? Were you stretching before and after pumping, or only after?

Anyway, I am looking to gain 1 to 1.5 inches in length. I warm-up, manually stretch, jelq, then clamp before pumping. I use 5hg to 7.5 hg for 10~15 minutes. Should I increase the pressure to aim at length? (Air pump)

Originally Posted by 7Lucky

Mrreight - did you definitely make gains in both length and girth, or just one? Were you stretching before and after pumping, or only after?

Anyway, I am looking to gain 1 to 1.5 inches in length. I warm-up, manually stretch, jelq, then clamp before pumping. I use 5hg to 7.5 hg for 10~15 minutes. Should I increase the pressure to aim at length? (Air pump)

I’m positive that I made length and girth gains from pumping. I used to hang several years ago until I felt that my ligs had stretched to their max. I made some good gains from hanging, but my girth was really lacking. So I began pumping and clamping. I find that pumping unlike clamping also pulls the penis out of it’s root, creating a lengthening action as well. But it’s important to have the right circumference pump for your penis. I used to buy pumps that were too big, that sucked my balls in as well and just gave me a liquid filled penis and inflamed scrotum. I now use the LeLuv 2”x9” air pump with a gauge. My penis fills the pump and starts to stretch out via the suction.

I’ve tried the Bathmate products, but I just don’t like them. They’re not as precise as the air pump. I actually use my air pump and pump to 10hg, disconnect the tube through the pump release, and jump in the shower. Especially if I have a date and am in a rush to get out. I just throw the pump on and shower, then take the pump off and wash it with soap in the shower, then stretch for a few minutes while I’m rinsing and I’m good to go out and party.

For the latter part of your question, I usually stretch after pumping. Getting a good grip is a bit harder, but I sometimes use a rag or thin towel for getting a good grip. I find that the tissues are a lot more flexible and receptive to maintaining a the length hours after pumping, as opposed to turtling right back when I haven’t pumped and the tissues are a lot more rigid and resistant to stretching. I can stretch out like a rubber band after pumping. I aim to pull all the way down to my knees and up to my chest when stretching in every direction.

As far as the pressure, I know there are a lot of warnings about too much pressure etc, but you have to work your tolerance up and I find that I really started to make gains when I felt that hard crushing feeling against the walls of my penis. I started slowly and would only keep the pressure up for a few minutes at a time, I can now tolerate higher pressures for much longer. Go slow and gauge the feeling you get, pain or any stinging feeling is not good. Stop immediately if you feel pain, stinging, or see any signs of blood.

Originally Posted by 7Lucky

Willstover - were you making gains in length while only using your air pump? Were you only pumping without using any other exercises? Do you feel as though that water pumping was more beneficial than air pumping? Were you able to surpass your plateau by switching from air to water pumping without using other techniques?

Well I think the plateau of my length gains came early because pumping can only get you so far with stretching the ligament, IMO. Pumping truly is more for girth gains. At my peak of using the air pump before switching to a bathmate, I could fill an 8” by 2.5” tube in 15-20mins going up to 15-17hg. I DO NOT RECOMMEND going this high UNTIL you condition your penis to take such levels. I know a lot of users freak out about going so high and think of you as a maniac but with proper conditioning, it can be done and would recommend it for further gains. I Liken it to adding more weight to your bench press after you get used to a certain amount. My giant gains from air pumping alone would last for 2 days and none of my results stayed. It wasn’t until I added manual jelqs when my results were finally sustaining longer. I took about 12 days off before I got to using the bathmate and my results stayed. The added jelqs were key I found.

The bathmate was more beneficial to me for a couple of reasons. First, it was much more comfortable than the air pump and could get longer, higher quality sessions. My penis expanded more from it than the air pump too.. And no, it wasn’t the illusion of the water making it look bigger that made me think that. I could physically feel it and see it after use. I rarely got edema from the bathmate too which is VERY important for gains. If you pump till your penis puffs, your session is wasted and you go back to square 1. I kept up the jelqing routine when using the bathmate too so I don’t know if my results would’ve cemented or not without the exercises.

Originally Posted by 7Lucky
ILogPE - do you think that pumping at high amounts of pressure is more helpful for length? Were you seeing any length results while your pressure levels were low?

I think higher oressure levels are great for overall frowth period - you just have to take the build up VERY VERY slowly. It took me over a year to work up to my current levels. I literally had to take it one inch (of pressure) at a time.

I’m a “hard gainer” when it comes to length - the additional girth has been much easier. There’s a saying in PE that “long guys get longer, thick guys get thicker” - and to a large degree that is very true. I wasn’t seeing that much of length gains from the lower pressure and what I did gain was from manual work. But the pressure increase has really helped in getting the ligs near the base really stretched, as well as expand my core, which I believe contributes to the tissue stretch.

Having said that, even though the higher pressure is working, I’ve had to adjust my length if sets in order not to overtax my cock. I do many more sets at lower times and I jelq a lot more to help keep the tissues as pliable and as loose as possible. During my sessions, I typically go thru 4 cylinders. Two of them are the same size but differences in the way they are constructed help me target different areas during that period. I always end my sessions but getting up to my previous max and going just over it, holding it for as long as I can - which generally isn’t longer than about 15 seconds. I do that 3-4 times, then do a hard jelq session, targeting the base to help pull out more length.

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

Does anyone use any kind of post workout tornique or clamp to keep pump going? I’m sure in the past (before I started pumping) I read about people using clamps or rings to keep a post workout pump but I’m not sure if that is still the generally accepted practice due to lessened oxygen etc?

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

I’ve been doing this for about a month:

5 min warmup
10 min pump with bathmate (going in flaccid)
10 min manual girth (mostly ulis and jelqing, some horsies, just whatever)
10 min pump (going ins semi erect)
10 min manual girth
warmdown in shower

And I’ve gained about .1” in length and girth, maybe more in girth, it’s hard for me to measure it but that’s about right and it feels noticeably thicker. So I’ve gone from 7.5x4.65 to about 7.6x4.8 BPEL and MSEG in about a month with this routine. It’s the only thing that gives me girth, which is all I really want at this point. Months of jelqing never did anything for me.

I’m thinking about adding 5 minutes of fulcrum stretches with monty’s weights at the beginning of the workout, 5 minute full erect, high pressure pump at the end, and maybe cutting the second manual girth session to 5 minutes. I was also thinking about switching back to 4x5 minutes pumping instead of 2x10 minutes, but that’s more trouble and time.

I do this MWF, without the rest I find girth training to be counterproductive.

So far it seems anyone who gains from pumping either uses higher than normal pressures or includes a decent amount of manual work.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
So far it seems anyone who gains from pumping either uses higher than normal pressures or includes a decent amount of manual work.

Basicly you need to have an intensity impact somewhere.
Pumping is my #1 tool to “multiply” everything else I do. I feel that I only maximized my exercises when I ended it with a pump.
Gained that way with the extender and with the clamp.

When I used the pump solely it was very inconsistent feeling. Never gained with normal pressure and everything extreme like long or very hard sessions led to fluid or no results at all. Penis never felt good this way.
Combined on a constant base with any other exercise I immediately feel something is happening beyond temporary expansion.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Basicly you need to have an intensity impact somewhere.
Pumping is my #1 tool to “multiply” everything else I do. I feel that I only maximized my exercises when I ended it with a pump.
Gained that way with the extender and with the clamp.

When I used the pump solely it was very inconsistent feeling. Never gained with normal pressure and everything extreme like long or very hard sessions led to fluid or no results at all. Penis never felt good this way.
Combined on a constant base with any other exercise I immediately feel something is happening beyond temporary expansion.

Exactly. There has to be some sort of measure with combining manual work with pumping in order to get any real results. While pumping at lower pressures may be “safe,” higher pressures are just as safe when administered correctly and from my view, gains are more solid.

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

My old post: PumpBRA Pics PUMPING

I stop to pump like 8 months ago, i lose 0,35 cm in diamater only.

My rountine is in the topic.

I’m back because i will start pump again.

Been water pumping since 3-14 using my leluv air pump kit. I’ve gained about 1/2 inch base girth, 1/4 inch glans girth and 1/8th mid. I throw on a clamp for 10 min after a few min break from the pump session. Last year I could get the clamp to the 3rd maybe 2nd tooth from the end, but now if I go past the 6th tooth in it’ll turn purple.

Reading all these routines and trying some will help out. Always change your routine after a while. Try dynamic pumping too.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Pumping seems to be the main way I have gained and I have tried most methods.

The first routine I did was my most successful, I went from 6.5” to 7.5” BPEL in one year, erect girth went from around 5” to 5.5”.
I bought a cheap vacuum pump from a sex shop, the bladder type hand pump leaked air so I replaced it with a PVC electical cable outer protection and used my lungs as the vacuum pump. There was no gauge so I have no idea what pressure I achieved but judging by the blood spotting and sporadic burst blood vessels, it must have been well over 5Hg. I would pump every other day for 20-30 minutes, I’d make sure to put my penis in the tube only when it was a maxi-erection.

I pumped on and off during a few years but started pumping seriously this year, this time with better equipment - a thermotex heat pad for warm ups and keeping the tube warm, Thickwall cylinder 10” x 2.25” and 9” x 2” & hand pump with gauge. 6 months of consistent pumping caused the girth to increase just over 1/4” but also caused shaft discolouration, length increased but only a few millimetres. I stopped pumping to help the discolouration to disappear and started manual stretching, I’ve been doing this for 3 months and have increased the length by 1cm compared to the beginning of the year - last night I measured 8” BPEL
I’ve started pumping again at lower vacuum pressure but am having difficulties staying hard.

I have to say pumping is the most satisfying PE I’ve tried because it always makes your cock look bigger after a session, which is highly encouraging even though it is temporary.

Originally Posted by baywatch
Been pumping for years. All different routines most of which can be found here at TP. I’ve not achieved any permanent gains and no temporary length gains just temporary girth.

Damn dude, you sure keep motivated and certainly don’t lack determination.
Do you plan to ever just say ” pumping doesn’t work for me” ?


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