I pumped on and off for years and the only permanent gains I earned, was a solid inch of length that never went away and I stopped PE close to a year. I managed to keep my newbie girth gains but lost close to half an inch of girth. When I used to chronically pump like 4 hours a day at high pressure (8-10mlhg)….I might of got to 6eg but I never cemented it and I had alot of edema that persisted for days…I used to clamp during this time as well. I’m just getting back into PE again and I’m going to start doing jelqs, bends and squeezes, followed by 45 minutes of pumping at around 4-5 mlhg, followed by light clamping and edging. I’m not sure if I can clamp at high pressures anymore since I stopped PE for months…I’m afraid I may get injured. I have bad EQ for some reason…it may be because of this strange anxiety disorder I got after a really bad trip I had some time ago…it sucks.