Thunder's Place

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Insertion Ring on Pump Has Torn. Options?

Insertion Ring on Pump Has Torn. Options?

I have recently been using a ~$60 pump, that came with a gauge. I have been very glad to have a pump with a gauge (different from my bathmate, and a cheapo thing I bought once), and I’ve regarded it as a good pump, until this insertion ring tore. This may be because I began using olive oil as a lube, maybe that was bad for it, I don’t know.

In this old thread: Can someone recommend me a replacement pump sleeve pls
Gprent recommended that pumps with "sleeves" should be thrown away and cylinders without sleeves purchased.

I do like the idea of continuing to use this tube, but if the consensus is that sleeve replacement is a bad idea, I will accept it. I have a hard idea knowing what size cylinder I should get. I have significant problems with erection quality, and have some degree of peyronie’s. My best erections measure just a shade over 7" in BPEL, and the girth is harder for me to be sure of, it is somewhere between 4.3 and 4.9. I know that’s a big range, and it makes me worry about tube selection. Any advice from you fine people would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Go to

Scroll down the page until you get to the rimmed straight wall 9” cylinder for $65 and when you select purchase, pick the 1.75” diameter cylinder. That $65 price includes shipping.

Oh, by the way, does the cylinder you have use a quick disconnect male/female connector to connect the vacuum hose to the cylinder?

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

The pump that I have has the gauge, and the release button built into the cylinder, and has a detachable manual hand pump. Unfortunately it seems to me this would mean that purchasing only a cylinder from someone is a bad option, because then I have no gauge, and no quick release button.

This makes me wonder if the site you recommended a few years ago: Picture Brite Retail would be a better option. They seem to have fairly good deals on cylinders and pumps, but maybe you now believe that their cylinders aren’t as good as the ones at penis depot?

Or there’s always a new ring, like the one that Cyclope mentioned in the old thread, it seems nice.

I’ll tell you what I would really love to find is an angled cylinder, one that attaches securely to my pelvis, and then tilts upward, so that I can pump and have the expansion forces pulling in a direction that better expands my inner penis, and which may gradually work against my downward curve. Unfortunately if I try to do this with a normal cylinder I end up breaking the seal or sucking my balls in. My bathmate has a bit of an angled entry, but no gauge. Over at Premiere manufacturer/provider of quality penis pumping equipment and other personal products related to vacuum enlargement they have the option for $25 to add an angled entry into a tube, but each of their tubes is pretty darned expensive, and I’m strapped for cash right now. Their cost is especially problematic if I might need more than one.

Originally Posted by jackman2020
The pump that I have has the gauge, and the release button built into the cylinder, and has a detachable manual hand pump. Unfortunately it seems to me this would mean that purchasing only a cylinder from someone is a bad option, because then I have no gauge, and no quick release button.

This makes me wonder if the site you recommended a few years ago: Picture Brite Retail would be a better option. They seem to have fairly good deals on cylinders and pumps, but maybe you now believe that their cylinders aren’t as good as the ones at penis depot?

Or there’s always a new ring, like the one that Cyclope mentioned in the old thread, it seems nice.

I’ll tell you what I would really love to find is an angled cylinder, one that attaches securely to my pelvis, and then tilts upward, so that I can pump and have the expansion forces pulling in a direction that better expands my inner penis, and which may gradually work against my downward curve. Unfortunately if I try to do this with a normal cylinder I end up breaking the seal or sucking my balls in. My bathmate has a bit of an angled entry, but no gauge. Over at Premiere manufacturer/provider of quality penis pumping equipment and other personal products related to vacuum enlargement they have the option for $25 to add an angled entry into a tube, but each of their tubes is pretty darned expensive, and I’m strapped for cash right now. Their cost is especially problematic if I might need more than one.

First, I don’t think picturebrite sells pumping equipment anymore.

Second, those angled cylinders are very expensive and they still don’t solve your no gauge no quick release problem.

I think you need a new system and the best price I can find is $125 from penisdepot and that price includes shipping. Here is the page for ordering the package: Get the $125 package and like before, the 1.75" diameter cylinder.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I like the rimless ones best with no insertion ring. I had one with a ring but it had problems as well I also had a bathmate and after about 2-3months broke that one. The one I have is very high quality vactech I take it in the shower dropped it a few times no problems I now use the thick wall cylinder they are a bit pricey but it will last until you out grow it no insertion ring.

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

one thing you could do is buy a pump at amazon just the pump I have something like this and it is also good for water pumping.
http://www.amaz … /dp/B000CMDPBM/

Then by the cylinder separate

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

Harbor Freight was having a special on their brake bleeder pump (the brass pump with red Handel) for $19.99 at their retail outlets. Unfortunately, I believe the sales ends today or tomorrow. If you can get that and a good tube, you could put together a nice package for about $100.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Can’t find it for 19.99 but here you go Harbor Freight they might have a location near where you live easy to just go and pick it up.

Mityvac Vacuum Pump - Save on Mityvac Pumps at Harbor Freight!

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

Originally Posted by gprent
Go to

Scroll down the page until you get to the rimmed straight wall 9” cylinder for $65 and when you select purchase, pick the 1.75” diameter cylinder. That $65 price includes shipping.

Oh, by the way, does the cylinder you have use a quick disconnect male/female connector to connect the vacuum hose to the cylinder?

This. I just purchase a 2” and a 2.25” (wishful thinking perhaps) from them and everything was great.

As for the sleeve. I have some discoloration that starts exactly 1” up my penis which is due to the sleeve that I used for a short time. Constriction + pumping = bad red spots.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

I’m not sure if this has been posted, but I was pumping with the brake bleeder hand pump from harbor freight and a very cheap cylinder that would dig into my pubic region and it was way to big in diameter. I recently bought a quality straight walled 2x9” flared cylinder off of a seller on eBay (LeLuv) priced at $26.99 w/free shipping. The cylinder came with the female quick release fitting already installed and I must say, this is a really great cylinder for the price. I can’t explain how much more comfortable this cylinder is and the seal it creates allows me to walk around the house and do light chores while in the cylinder. My total cost was $25 for the brass hand pump and $27 for the cylinder. You will need to get the MC master’s male fittings for this cylinder, but can have a quality setup at a decent price.

Thanks very much for the help guys. I believe you about a pure tube being better. It seems they do still sell these at picturebrite. At this link: Penis Pumps - Adult Novelties - Products
They have a cylinder for $17.50, and a gauge pump for $35. Maybe one of you could take a look at that cylinder and tell me if it’s missing something important? I guess I’m not sure I know what you mean when you call a cylinder "rimless". I’ll order a new ring later today (that old thread had some good links for either direction I think) and then down the line I’ll get what I can afford in a ring-less solution.

Looking at the pure cylinder options made me feel pretty bad. A sizing chart with 5 girth sizes, and the smallest one being 5.0 inches or less. I think that pumping might be able to help me a lot. I’ve been doing it with a bit more frequency lately (using avocet’s great thread as a guide), and it feels significant. In the days immediately following, it really does feel like my penis is "trying" to do what it used to do, what it’s supposed to do, during the erectile process. I don’t know if that makes sense, but it’s like it’s been reminded what full rigidity and inflation are like and it says "I swear to god I’m trying".

I have had the girth measurement come out as badly as 4.3, but on one of the few times I measured after pumping it was a little over 5.0, and I don’t think that I had blasted it beyond recognition (no donut), I think it was mostly (though not all) just a matter of proper inflation. It does make me wonder. I had around Thunders gotten the impression that average girth is somewhere a little below 5". However at penis depot they have these recommendations:

5 inches or less erect circumference— choose 1 3/4 in. diameter cyl.
5-5.5 inches erect circumference — choose 2 inch diameter cyl.
5.6-6.0 inches erect circumference— choose 2 1/4 in. diameter cyl.
6.1-6.5 inches erect circumference— choose 2 1/2 in. diameter cyl.
6.6 inches & up erect circumference—choose 2 3/4 in. diameter cyl.

What do you suppose the explanation is?

Thanks for your help/advice/guidance and for letting me share the stuff I’ve been mulling around in my head, you guys are great.

Originally Posted by jackman2020
Thanks very much for the help guys. I believe you about a pure tube being better. It seems they do still sell these at picturebrite. At this link: Penis Pumps - Adult Novelties - Products
They have a cylinder for $17.50, and a gauge pump for $35. Maybe one of you could take a look at that cylinder and tell me if it’s missing something important? I guess I’m not sure I know what you mean when you call a cylinder "rimless". I’ll order a new ring later today (that old thread had some good links for either direction I think) and then down the line I’ll get what I can afford in a ring-less solution.

Looking at the pure cylinder options made me feel pretty bad. A sizing chart with 5 girth sizes, and the smallest one being 5.0 inches or less. I think that pumping might be able to help me a lot. I’ve been doing it with a bit more frequency lately (using avocet’s great thread as a guide), and it feels significant. In the days immediately following, it really does feel like my penis is "trying" to do what it used to do, what it’s supposed to do, during the erectile process. I don’t know if that makes sense, but it’s like it’s been reminded what full rigidity and inflation are like and it says "I swear to god I’m trying".

I have had the girth measurement come out as badly as 4.3, but on one of the few times I measured after pumping it was a little over 5.0, and I don’t think that I had blasted it beyond recognition (no donut), I think it was mostly (though not all) just a matter of proper inflation. It does make me wonder. I had around Thunders gotten the impression that average girth is somewhere a little below 5". However at penis depot they have these recommendations:

5 inches or less erect circumference— choose 1 3/4 in. diameter cyl.
5-5.5 inches erect circumference — choose 2 inch diameter cyl.
5.6-6.0 inches erect circumference— choose 2 1/4 in. diameter cyl.
6.1-6.5 inches erect circumference— choose 2 1/2 in. diameter cyl.
6.6 inches & up erect circumference—choose 2 3/4 in. diameter cyl.

What do you suppose the explanation is?

Thanks for your help/advice/guidance and for letting me share the stuff I’ve been mulling around in my head, you guys are great.

Hey that is a great find, I totally missed it.

I have a picturebrite cylinder and they are very good and just have a slightly smaller rim than the other cylinder. You still want to get the 1.75" diameter cylinder.

That is a plastic pump and as I mentioned before, they do have a history of the handles breaking, but I think if you take it easy with it, you can make it last a long time.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Rimless means no rim at the bottom it is straight no ridge no rim. The ones from picturebrite have rim. The rims make a easier seal. I use the rimless I feel more force on my ligaments using the oval rimless model. I am currently hanging and working on length trying to get my ligaments to stretch. I never used a ring at the bottom I guess its just for comfort.

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

Thanks again guys.

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