Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Insulative Warming


Insulative Warming

It seems like just wrapping the cylinder in a folded over dish towel keeps the penis nearly as warm as wrapping it in an insulated low wattage heating pad.

Maybe the penis is cooled so quickly via externally heated blood returning to the heart that a heating pad and simple insulation have about the same effect on penis temperature while pumping.

Insulative warming also would have the advantage of not being able to reach dangerous temperatures and I expect would standardize temperature as a penis pumping variable since the temperatures reached in the penis would be fixed to the internal body temperature, where as external heating temperatures could vary since heating pad electrical resistance can change over time and room temperature could play a role in the maximum heat reached.

What do you guys think?

And what do you think about insulative heating for warming up during other forms of PE? I can get my penis pretty warm by just wearing a sock over the penis for a half an hour.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Or wear thermal gloves /heated gloves. Takes 2minutes to circulate blood for one cycle through the entire body and back its also used to battle hypothermia

Bpel start 14.25cm

My Straw

Certainly sounds better than nothing.

I think prewarming the cylinder so that you don’t suffer conductive heat loss and a blanket would probably work great.

Late last year I performed most PE routines without a warmup but I had been wearing boxer breifs and thermal leggings under my pants so my entire lower area was plenty warm.

My penis would be very warm and pliable right out of my pants and I saw some small gains during that time.

Lately I’ve been using a heat lamp and the constant heat makes a difference in comfort and expansion vs no warmup. I just put the cylinder in line with the light and adjust distance as needed to keep the tube comfortably hot without feeling cooked.

I would think one would feel skin burn before dangerous temps were reached internally. Then again, I’m not sure. Beyond what temp is dangerous internally?

We need a heated penis glove with temperature sensors to keep the penis between the low and high temp for PE. Something wearable all day and thin enough to use during extending and while hanging with weights. It needs to be battery powered and use USB as a power source too.

Penis Pride

Originally Posted by alterdst8
Late last year I performed most PE routines without a warmup but I had been wearing boxer breifs and thermal leggings under my pants so my entire lower area was plenty warm.

My penis would be very warm and pliable right out of my pants and I saw some small gains during that time.

Lately I’ve been using a heat lamp and the constant heat makes a difference in comfort and expansion vs no warmup. I just put the cylinder in line with the light and adjust distance as needed to keep the tube comfortably hot without feeling cooked.

I would think one would feel skin burn before dangerous temps were reached internally. Then again, I’m not sure. Beyond what temp is dangerous internally?

That’s a complicated question. So generally it’s 43 degrees Celsius from what I’ve read, which is a mere 6 degrees hotter than the “normal” core body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. But there’s a reasonable likelihood that some kinds of damage aren’t noticed at lower temperatures. It’s also dependent on time.

The mechanisms of heat damage I can think of right now are a basic acceleration of reactions, the misfolding of some proteins due to bond length changes and increased movement of molecular appendages rendering them inactive or super active, and changes to permeability. I know there’s not enough information to comprehensively anticipate all the different impacts of changing temp in a system as complex as the human body right now, we don’t even know all the hormones humans have yet.

And the damage done is almost certainly different for different tissue and can’t be completely generalized, for instance the blood brain barrier, the testes, or the digestive system.

You won’t necessarily feel heat damage if the heat is gradually increased.

When it comes to whole body external temperatures the temp that causes damage or death is dependent on the ability to sweat for cooling and is much lower.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

I was meaning for the penis tissue only, not the whole body. I think its pretty unlikely for heating the penis as hot as one can stand for 20 minutes to heat ones body temp to damaging levels.

How hot does a hot tub get your internal temp? I’m not sure, but I know some guys utilize the hot tub as a PE heat source. Most of those are around 100 to 104 Fahrenheit. (Sorry, American high school drop-out here who doesn’t know Celsius conversions off hand)

I’m not trying to disagree with you here at all, just sharing my 2 cents about PE without “proper” warmup and my experience with insulative heat. Honestly, what you we’re initially trying to determine went right over my head

Originally Posted by alterdst8
I was meaning for the penis tissue only, not the whole body. I think its pretty unlikely for heating the penis as hot as one can stand for 20 minutes to heat ones body temp to damaging levels.

How hot does a hot tub get your internal temp? I’m not sure, but I know some guys utilize the hot tub as a PE heat source. Most of those are around 100 to 104 Fahrenheit. (Sorry, American high school drop-out here who doesn’t know Celsius conversions off hand)

I’m not trying to disagree with you here at all, just sharing my 2 cents about PE without “proper” warmup and my experience with insulative heat. Honestly, what you we’re initially trying to determine went right over my head

104 F is about 43 degrees Celsius, which is in the lethal range if prolonged. People generally get out of hot tubs before that happens, but not so when they’re using some drugs. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of us know someone who almost died in a hot tub after taking sedatives or pain killers. It’s too common. I knew a young person that told me their story of almost dying in a hot tub while taking something. Their “friends” pulled them out and put them in an ice water bath, instead of calling paramedics, because they didn’t want to get in trouble for taking drugs or maybe it was because he didn’t have “health insurance” because he couldn’t afford to pay the insurance racketeers their protection money. That young man killed himself during the “financial collapse” in the USA because he didn’t see a future for himself in this country. He worked 2 jobs, but when his parents kicked him out he couldn’t afford to live due to inflated rent and housing costs.

I wasn’t suggesting that heating the penis over 43 degrees Celsius was lethal. My point was, maybe just heating the penis up to internal body temp with insulation is just as good or nearly as good as external heating.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Damn, that’s very sad. Sad what this world can do to people.

Drugs don’t mix well with most things. Depends on what class of drugs too and what one considers a drug for that matter.

Anyways, I’m with you now and I didn’t think that’s what you were implying. I knew there was something I wasn’t understanding also.

My elementary thinking is that with an external source of heat, the tissues themselves would warm up and hold on to some of the heat regardless of the blood leaving and fresh cooler blood coming in. That’s just my guess though. This is my “common sense” coming from an analytical but not scientific mind.

Not sure where you’re located but here in my part of California it’s really warming up.

Did my routine today with no warm up other than being outside in my pants in 100° F weather. The session went well and the expansion wasn’t lacking. Summer always turns me into a shower rather than a grower.

I think as long as ambient temps are hot enough, insulative heat is just as good as external heat source. Driving in my work truck with no A/C for 15 minutes has my crotch hot and sweaty. No warmup necessary. Don’t Jelq and drive though haha

I’ve been thinking about the sock comment and how it would get your penis plenty warm. I couldn’t see that working well for me heat wise but then it occurred to me, you have a pretty big piece of meat hanging between your legs 😜That’s a lot more blood and tissue to radiate heat and fill the sock

Originally Posted by alterdst8
Damn, that’s very sad. Sad what this world can do to people.

Drugs don’t mix well with most things. Depends on what class of drugs too and what one considers a drug for that matter.

Anyways, I’m with you now and I didn’t think that’s what you were implying. I knew there was something I wasn’t understanding also.

My elementary thinking is that with an external source of heat, the tissues themselves would warm up and hold on to some of the heat regardless of the blood leaving and fresh cooler blood coming in. That’s just my guess though. This is my “common sense” coming from an analytical but not scientific mind.

Not sure where you’re located but here in my part of California it’s really warming up.

Did my routine today with no warm up other than being outside in my pants in 100° F weather. The session went well and the expansion wasn’t lacking. Summer always turns me into a shower rather than a grower.

I think as long as ambient temps are hot enough, insulative heat is just as good as external heat source. Driving in my work truck with no A/C for 15 minutes has my crotch hot and sweaty. No warmup necessary. Don’t Jelq and drive though haha

I’ve been thinking about the sock comment and how it would get your penis plenty warm. I couldn’t see that working well for me heat wise but then it occurred to me, you have a pretty big piece of meat hanging between your legs 😜That’s a lot more blood and tissue to radiate heat and fill the sock

I use menthol in my PE lubes, oil based for tube packing, glycerin based for wide diameter pumping. It’s a pretty effective vasodilator and I think it might have an impact on the baseline blood flow even when not using it. Menthol doesn’t seem to increase the growth rate though, it’s just convenient for harder erections in the tube and keeps the blood flowing.

You can buy menthol crystals for pretty cheap in bulk and just drop a crystal in the lube and warm it up to dissolve it. The first few times you use it it will be a shocking cold feeling, but I really don’t feel it at all now.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by whacky76
We need a heated penis glove with temperature sensors to keep the penis between the low and high temp for PE. Something wearable all day and thin enough to use during extending and while hanging with weights. It needs to be battery powered and use USB as a power source too.

I’ve contemplated making a heated cock-sock using one of those USB sew-in heat elements. Should be fairly easy to do. I don’t think any sensors are necessary. Your skin does a darn good job of knowing what’s too hot and a few of the heaters have adjustable settings.

Go on amazon and get something that will work and then attach it to a scarificial sock.

Originally Posted by Phil210
I’ve contemplated making a heated cock-sock using one of those USB sew-in heat elements. Should be fairly easy to do. I don’t think any sensors are necessary. Your skin does a darn good job of knowing what’s too hot and a few of the heaters have adjustable settings.

Go on amazon and get something that will work and then attach it to a scarificial sock.

I believe the point of the thread is to trap one’s own body heat using insulation without any active heating elements.

Relative to using active heating, here is what I use. One pic is using US, but the other pic shows my usb portable heating system. I use this for my heated extender sets. It can be used during other exercises, as well as when resting.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Would wrapping a radiant barrier (aluminium foil) around the transparent cylinder of the pump help a lot keeping the penis warm?

I plan to use three layers. Layer 3 might be optional during the hot summer days right now in my area.

(-1) Penis
(0) Acrylic Cylinder
(1) Soft transparent layer to protect the cylinder from scratches; plastic wrap or something fancier
(2) Radiant barrier to reflect penis heat back to the penis; aluminium foil or something fancier
(3) Insulation layer to keep the cylinder and the outer layers 1 and 2 warm if the room is cold; dish towel or something fancier

In my theory a pre-warmed dick with a good blood flow might warm itself as long as its radiation is reflected back and the insulation is good enough in colder environments.
Layer 3 might help when the room is cold or in areas where the penis touches the cylinder so there is no air insulation.

What do you think? I am going to start testing after my first pump arrives.

Originally Posted by purplemoon
Would wrapping a radiant barrier (aluminium foil) around the transparent cylinder of the pump help a lot keeping the penis warm?

I plan to use three layers. Layer 3 might be optional during the hot summer days right now in my area.

(-1) Penis
(0) Acrylic Cylinder
(1) Soft transparent layer to protect the cylinder from scratches; plastic wrap or something fancier
(2) Radiant barrier to reflect penis heat back to the penis; aluminium foil or something fancier
(3) Insulation layer to keep the cylinder and the outer layers 1 and 2 warm if the room is cold; dish towel or something fancier

In my theory a pre-warmed dick with a good blood flow might warm itself as long as its radiation is reflected back and the insulation is good enough in colder environments.
Layer 3 might help when the room is cold or in areas where the penis touches the cylinder so there is no air insulation.

What do you think? I am going to start testing after my first pump arrives.

I don’t think you are even close to get the heat that you get from a electric heating pad. The are cheap and are really simple to use.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by Patrik_16
I don’t think you are even close to get the heat that you get from a electric heating pad. The are cheap and are really simple to use.

I totally agree that external heat can be much stronger than insulation.

My post aims for the core of “Insulative Warming” like LittleEngine wrote:

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
I believe the point of the thread is to trap one’s own body heat using insulation without any active heating elements.

I believe that the addition of a reflection layer can enhance the results of an insulation layer.


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