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Is “turtling” common In the Hours After A Pumping Session?

Is “turtling” common In the Hours After A Pumping Session?

I notice lately in the hours after a pumping session that I tend to “turtle”.

Is this common? If so, what could be the cause?

And one might think that taking low dose (5mg) Cialis regularly might prevent this, but it doesn’t always seem to.

Might it be slight dehydration? I’ll admit I’m not very good at drinking water as often as I should.

I don’t see this. I do see it after stretching, though.

How long are your pumping sessions and what vacuum level are you using?

I don’t experience turtling.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

My pumping sessions are usually about 30 mins at about 5-7” hg

But I think the problem may be dehydration. I noticed this started when I got back into taking creatine… which sort of mimics dehydration by pulling water towards the muscles.

So I stopped the creatine and made a better effort to drink water more often, and the turtling seems to have subsided.

Does all this seem plausible to anyone?

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