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length of cylinder affecting my flaccid hang

length of cylinder affecting my flaccid hang

I have two cylinders from La pump.

The first one is 1.75 inch x 10 inch
the second one is 1.75 inch x 8 inch

my stats are 5.5 inch NBP x 5 inch girth

I enter the cylinder erect and pump for 3 sets of 10 minutes at 5 hg.

Usually i pump with the 1.75 inch x 10 inch cylinder and afterwards my flaccid would be stiff and shriveled up for a few days and my balls would be shriveled up and tucked in. And i would have edema at the ridge of my glans after my sessions.

Recently I bought a 1.75 inch x 8 inch cylinder. I also pump at 5 hg for the same amount of time with this cylinder but after my sessions, my flaccid would be hanging full and flexible and my balls would be hanging nice and low. and i don’t get any edema after my sessions.

My question is why is the 10 inch cylinder causing me negative P.Is after my pump sessions but the 8 inch cylinder is giving me positive P.Is even though they are the same diameter and I’m pumping at 5 HG for both?

Sometimes a little more will be more. Is there any error in the pressure gauge, or the weight of the 10 inch pipe itself is greater.

Of course, it will take a long time to observe. After all, there are many factors affecting Eq.

Originally Posted by yyq619870757
Sometimes a little more will be more. Is there any error in the pressure gauge, or the weight of the 10 inch pipe itself is greater.

Of course, it will take a long time to observe. After all, there are many factors affecting Eq.

I only have one pressure gauge pump and i use the same one for both of them. I’ve been pumping since 2015 with the 1.75 inch x 10 inch cylinder and I’ve always had the same negative P.Is after pumping. But 2 weeks ago i switched to the 1.75 inch x 8 inch cylinder and have only seen positive from it. I use the same routine and pressure for both cylinders.

Originally Posted by tuggingit

I only have one pressure gauge pump and i use the same one for both of them. I’ve been pumping since 2015 with the 1.75 inch x 10 inch cylinder and I’ve always had the same negative P.Is after pumping. But 2 weeks ago i switched to the 1.75 inch x 8 inch cylinder and have only seen positive from it. I use the same routine and pressure for both cylinders.

I also use 8 inches. EQ has been good. I can’t understand this phenomenon. After all, they are all under the same pressure.

Originally Posted by yyq619870757

I also use 8 inches. EQ has been good. I can’t understand this phenomenon. After all, they are all under the same pressure.

yeah I’m really confused

I remember I was reading about it in some thread.

I don’t really know why but my guess is that because the cylinder is longer the pressure is coming more from the top of it then the sides.

Originally Posted by randomnickname
I remember I was reading about it in some thread.
I don’t really know why but my guess is that because the cylinder is longer the pressure is coming more from the top of it then the sides.

This is incorrect. Vacuum pressure has the same effect on the penis no matter if there is a small space or a large space. Think about if you dive down to 10’ in a small pool or in a large pool. The water pressure you feel at 10’ depth is the same. The larger pool does not have more pressure.

How do you support the cylinder? If hanging unsupported the flange of the longer and heavier cylinder could be compressing more on the under side of the penis while the upper side is being pulled slightly out, as compared to the shorter cylinder. I am unsure how this would effect flaccid hang though.

Are the flnges the same size on both cylinders?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
This is incorrect. Vacuum pressure has the same effect on the penis no matter if there is a small space or a large space. Think about if you dive down to 10’ in a small pool or in a large pool. The water pressure you feel at 10’ depth is the same. The larger pool does not have more pressure.

How do you support the cylinder? If hanging unsupported the flange of the longer and heavier cylinder could be compressing more on the under side of the penis while the upper side is being pulled slightly out, as compared to the shorter cylinder. I am unsure how this would effect flaccid hang though.

Are the flnges the same size on both cylinders?

I always supported the cylinder with my left hand. the flnges are the exact same size. the only variable that changed was the length of the cylinder.

As I have said. When i used the longer cylinder (the one i used for years), my penis always looked and felt damaged after the session and my flaccid would feel stiff and my ball sack becomes retracted for 3 days. But with the shorter cylinder, my penis feels really healthy in terms of circulation and feels really stretchy and is hanging nice and full. and my ball sack is hanging low like they used to be.

There shouldn’t be any difference so I can’t explain it.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

No idea man but definitely stick to the new cylinder, sounds like it is working really well for you!

There are a bunch of little variables that combined couple be giving the poor PIs. Is it the same brand of cylinder? Are you certain that the longer cylinder is actually 1.75 inches in diameter? The larger one will be heavier so there could be a difference in weigh distribution (even when supported by your hand, it might be pushing a bit more on the base). There could even be subtle differences in the seal obtained between the cylinders.

It kinda sounds like it is wider than 1.75, even a couple of mm could make the difference.

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