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Lymph build up near glans: normal or early warning sign of donut?

Lymph build up near glans: normal or early warning sign of donut?

I experiemented with 10 in Hg yesterday for 6 mins, followed by jelq, message and hot shower. I was hung like a horse for a while but noticed there was lymph build up on the underside of the end shaft near the glans (circumcision scar area) that looked like the infamous donut. Any thoughts?

My thoughts are, lymph under your skin isn’t going to give you any real size gains in the long run.


Yes, that is the “donut” effect. If you are just starting out as a pumper, you may want to reduce the amount of pressure you’re using. Try to avoid the donut effect, unless you want to stretch out the skin in that area in an attempt to restore some foreskin.


Other than easing up on the pressure, should I go into the tube fully erect vs. semi-erect to prevent the donut?


You should definitely go into the tube fully erect or as hard as possible in order to try to minimize fluid buildup in the cylinder below the glans. I just responded to jelktoid on wrapping the area below the glans with ace self-adhesive bandage to minimize any possible donut effect via pumping. You can read it here:

/forum/showthre ad.php?s=&threa … 20&pagenumber=6


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