My routine
Ok so i have been pumping now for about 7 weeks and i’m really enjoying it, ive worked my way up to a morning set of 20 minutes in the tube followed by 10 minutes in the tube and then an evening set of 20 minutes in the tube followed by 10 minutes in the tube, so thats 1 hour spent pumping in total. Ive found that i can pack the tube well after about 15 minutes spent in the tube however i believe that most of the girth i am getting from this is due to lympth fluid build up rather than anything benifical so i’m thinking about reducing my time in the tube to 2 10 minute sets in the morning and 2 10 minute sets in the evening with a 5 minute jelq session in between and after each set, at the moment i’m not jelquing much as i can only spare roughly 30 minutes in the morning an evening. I was just wondering what peoples views were on this, does it sound like a good routine?
10 mins pumping
5 mins jelquing
10 mins pumping
5 mins jelqing
Repeated in the evening with a few stretches thrown when i get a chance throughout the day.
Also im thinking of going with a 1 on 1 off routine or 2 on 1 off routine as ive tried hammering my dick 5 or 6 days a week before and it has never really seemed to work out for me,