Thunder's Place

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My theory on pumping and manuals...

My theory on pumping and manuals...

After pumping on and off for over 6 months and being in PE now for over 2 years I think I kinda figured out why pumping and manuals work so well together.

Lets look at girth for example. If you pump alone with nothing else, the resistance of the tissue is greater than pumping alone can overcome. If you try to raise the pressure, you get fluid and no real growth. If you pump at low pressure for two to 3 hours then you’ll see some results eventually.

When you do squeezes and jelqs you really strain and fatigue the tissue greatly. If you go hard with squuezes and jelqs for 15 minutes, you’ve worked the penis enough that when you pump after, even low pressure is effective in giving you expansion without all the time involved.

Better yet, on off days, pumping allows you to bring your dick back up to full size without overworking it like you might if you did not have a pump.

Thats why I really beleive that pumping and manuals is much better than either of them are alone. Pumping is like a catalyst that speeds up the process.


I used to incorporate a pump into my manual routines, excactly like you described, after a session and had amazing results. I’ll go back to that soon.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Is this true??? I was about to start pumping with no manuals whatsoever. Have people here had gains with just pumping for less than 2 or 3 hours a day?

Here is another way to look at it…

manuals really speed up the fatgiuing of the penis tissue, pumping helps to keep them in this fatigued state while letting them heal in this state. It’s like drinking a 6 pack in an hour to get a good buzz then sipping beer the rest of the night to
keep the buzz. Yeah you can eventually get drunk by sipping beer all night but it may take longer than you
like! I do manuals until my penis feels dead and then pump for the next 2-3 days to bring the tissue back to the size I achieved
in the workout while not letting it shrink. Puming IMO encourages healing.

I encorporate manuals with my pumping routine. I jelqued between pumping sets for a while, then added erect bends and uli’s between along with the jelquing. It’s the best workout I’ve ever done.

I manually stretch and jelque for 20 mins. then pump at low to medium vacuum for 20mins. every day.Onceonce[please read as once] a week I pump at max imum vac. for about a minute to check[At] the moment I am pulling between 8.25 and 8.50 inches.Since starting pe I have gained around 2.50 lnches length using this method…….regards dixie


dixie, was your backspace key broken or something??

Hello secjay,For some reason I can’t delete and correct any errors I’ve created…….regards dixie



>It’s like drinking a 6 pack in an hour to get a good buzz then sipping beer the rest of the night to
keep the buzz.<

I like this description. Hic!


>For some reason I can’t delete and correct any errors I’ve created<

Now I’ve heard them allall!



What kind of girth results did you have with those six months ?

I’ve recently changed my routine to incorporate hanging with my pumping. Basically I warm up/ lite stretching for approx 5 min, wrap and hang 6 lbs for 20 min (BTC), remove rest & lite stretching for 10 min, re -wrap and hang 6 lbs (BTC) for 20 min, remove stretch and slap 50-60 times in each direction to restore blood flow, watch a little porn to get hard and then pump at 5-6Hg of vacuum for 30-40 min. Remove get some lube and jeleq for 5-10 minutes. I’ve only been doing this for a few weeks now and I won’t measure until around Thanksgiving. I hope to see some real gains then.

Re: My theory on pumping and manuals...

Originally posted by vegetagd
After pumping on and off for over 6 months and being in PE now for over 2 years I think I kinda figured out why pumping and manuals work so well together.
Lets look at girth for example. If you pump alone with nothing else, the resistance of the tissue is greater than pumping alone can overcome. If you try to raise the pressure, you get fluid and no real growth. If you pump at low pressure for two to 3 hours then you'll see some results eventually.
When you do squeezes and jelqs you really strain and fatigue the tissue greatly. If you go hard with squuezes and jelqs for 15 minutes, you've worked the penis enough that when you pump after, even low pressure is effective in giving you expansion without all the time involved.
Better yet, on off days, pumping allows you to bring your dick back up to full size without overworking it like you might if you did not have a pump.
Thats why I really beleive that pumping and manuals is much better than either of them are alone. Pumping is like a catalyst that speeds up the process.

vegetagd, could you type out a sample routine using this theory. Im about to purchase a pump with a gauge and this sounds great, however, Im not exactly sure how to go about it. thanks

Trying to live up to my username! 6/9/04 BPEL: 6.25 EG: 4.75 2/28/05 BPEL: 6.5 EG: 4.75 4/17/05 BPEL: 6.625 EG: 4.875

Im in a rush but heres what i’ve been doing lately.

Day 1>20-40 minutes intense girth work, squeezes, ulis, horses, all of the above. Later in the day, I may do a couple of pumping sets at 5hg for 10-12 minutes each.
Day 2,3 >4-6 sets of pumping at 5hg for 10-12 minutes each. Remember, the point is to let the damage u did in day 1 heal while re-expanding the tissue to the size you reached on day 1.

Then repeat. As far as length goes, I bought a tube that is 2.125 inches around and my goal is to pack the tube from base to head when I’m unpumped. That would give me a girth of close to 6.75. After that it’s all length. Right now I’m 6.6 at base and about 6.2 around the head.

thanks vegetagd, thats a great outline. I will definitely give it a try after a while on the newbie routine. Seems like you got this shit all figured out

Trying to live up to my username! 6/9/04 BPEL: 6.25 EG: 4.75 2/28/05 BPEL: 6.5 EG: 4.75 4/17/05 BPEL: 6.625 EG: 4.875

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