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Need Advice?! What Pump Brand to buy!


Need Advice?! What Pump Brand to buy!

Hi folks, i really want to buy a pump and want to be a pumper like you guys…
But there’s to many brand of pump outthere, it really confused me!!
Can anyone tell me what brand is good? i mean not only the pump n tubing quality…
but also the customer service and the shipping,coz i lived in a far country in south east asia
Indonesia - Jakarta? and of course i don’t to lose my money to some irresponsible pump company!
so far from the forum i know vacutech and lapump.

Thanks for replying me guys,

My vote is LA Pump. Try emailing them and see if they will ship to you.

Move a little closer, Honey.

I've got a big prick for you.

I’m sure any of the major pump companies would be fine.

I also used LA Pump and I’m very satisfied with the pump, it shipped right away and was very discreet.

I haven’t had any issues that I needed to talk to customer service so I don’t know how they respond.

I’d go with LA Pump. I checked the site, and Indonesia is on their list of countries they ship to.

Let us know if you need sizing help with the cylinder. Just give us your erect length and girth. The pump distributors tend to recommend on the small size which means you outgrow the cylinder too fast.

Originally Posted by gprent101

Let us know if you need sizing help with the cylinder. Just give us your erect length and girth. The pump distributors tend to recommend on the small size which means you outgrow the cylinder too fast.

I’ll second what gprent said about recommended pump size. My only other additional comment is that when in doubt, order the larger size. You cannot return a cylinder that is too small (at least LA Pump won’t let you) so you would be out the cost of the cylinder. The worse that can happen if you order the larger size is your cylinder is too big and you have to order the smaller size. You still will have a larger cylinder to grow into.

Move a little closer, Honey.

I've got a big prick for you.

I just bought a kaplan and would not recomend it. Loses pressure and it is not top quality.


I have used a kaplan pump for months and am quite happy with it. The only time I lose pressure is when I didnt know enough to tighten the female connector at the top of the tube or when I needed lube to seal the base. Other than that I have real gains from a reasonably priced unit.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I have an LA Pump cylinder and it’s good except for one thing. The o-ring that it came with was the wrong size, so it would lose vacuum easily. I took the slightly smaller diameter o-ring from my Vacutech cylinder and it now works perfectly.

What I’m saying is that if your cylinder is loosing vacuum, regardless of brand, the o-ring is the most likely cause. Ace Hardware has an excellent selection of o-rings if you’re looking to replace one.

Ok, I Thank all of you guys,

i guess now i know what to do and know what to choose.

i agree with VegasGuy to order larger whenever in doubt.

can wait to have a pump.

Does anyone have LA Pump’s URL?

You can buy your pump at Auto Zone. Or such car stores , for cheap. Then buy your tube from one of these pump places.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Whats the best cylinder brand out there out of these three

LA Dist
Boston Pump works.

Im stuck choosing between these three. I heard these were the 3 best brands out there and I hear the most about them

LA Brass pump and “Vacutech” tubes IMO are the best way to go…


Originally Posted by regularwhiteguy
LA Brass pump and “Vacutech” tubes IMO are the best way to go…


How much do they cost RWG?

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