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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Pumper


Cockrings and Viagra

Stretchman: Contrary to most people’s understanding, a Viagra taken at say 8 PM will still offer an opportunity for sex the next morning. Also the cost for ten Viagra is exactly the same for all three strengths. therefore if you cut a 100 mgm Viagra into three parts you have cut the cost to 1/3 i.e. about $3.00. That makes them about as expensive as the clones out there which only come in 50 mgm pills, at . I think with an ‘O’ring you can put it on while flaccid as Avocet recommends- buy the one that matches your flaccid diameter. You can leave it on as long as you like if your penis is not numb or blue (which is unlikely)


I think it depends on the degree of pressure your cock ring provides. Things you should look out for:

1. Monitor the colour of your penis. You don’t want it to become blue!

2. Monitor the temperature of your penis. It should not get too cold.

3. Monitor the area below your ring, so you don’t get injured or extra sensitive and hurt in this area. This happened to me.

I usually keep my cock ring for about 4 hours after pumping, like avocet suggested. I think avocet said he uses his ‘o’ ring while pumping sometimes, I haven’t tried this yet. My ring is too big to fit, so I’ll need to get one of those ‘o’ rings or another ring which is smaller than what I have now.

Last edited by avocet8 : 12-31-2002 at .

cock rings, etc.

Before somebody gets confused, it’s important to look at cock rings (flexible or inflexible rings you put solely around the base of the shaft of your dick) as _temporary_ devices.

A tight fitting cock ring should never be worn during sleep. The reason is that in sleep you are unable to monitor what is going on. You could have a nocturnal erection while the ring is in place, the erection could be held for far longer than is healthy - 30 minutes is generally regarded as safe. Longer than that and you take the risk of penile cell death. No newly oxyginated blood coming in after 30 min = potential tissue damage.

Since we’re talking now in this forum about a number of such devices - some of which are safe for longer use and others not, I’ll post a new thread somewhere. Maybe the Main Forum.



Cock Rings

Do you wear while pumping?

Is cock ring for cock only or cock and balls?

Also, I did go to 10 in pressure just for 30 seconds and did get more girth and about half inch in length. First time I went past erection length. I did this for 3 sets.

Been doing for a month now, I have notice base girth increase only. But secondary veins really improving.

I sometimes wear a flexible ring around the base of my shaft while pumping. I take it off while jelking or other exercises because it gets in the way.

The ring allows some arterial blood to flow in during the pump and keeps venous blood from leaving. Result is a fuller than usual erection - without having to go to higher pressure to achieve that.

After a PE session, I usually put on a cock and ball strap, or the wrist strap device peforeal describes in another thread here. This holds a good deal of engorgement for some time yet still allows for arterial and venous exchange to the healing tissues.

Don’t forget the original point, though: a shaft ring should not be worn for more than 30 min at a time at full erection.



Cock Rings

Avocet8, thank you for the reply. I have been putting cock ring on tube and when about to jelq i slide down on base of dick. Once done jelqing put back on tube. I find this gives me more blood to work with.

Growth or Injury

When pumping there is three areas filling tube. Head, base and a area about square inch below head. This area below head stays puffy after pumping for a couple of hours. Is this growth or injury?

stretchman; are you talking about a “donut” swelling or is this something else?




No it isn’t a donut, i think it probable is the weakest area on dick and first to give.

If not a donut, maybe that area is just gradually thickening for you? If so, I say go with it.




I agree that it will only inlarge as tissue breaks down around it. Somewhat like a tire that air leaks into tread, it spreads.


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