Tube stretching
Braker and hobby,
Yes, I agree with both of you that the penis length in the cylinder is somewhat less than actual BPEL. I didn’t really mean HARD bone-pressed when I said it was like seeing BPEL in the tube. It’s just that I noticed the tubed pressed into my fat pad and that I had more length in the cylinder than my NBPEL. Actually I don’t see quite the 0.3” difference that you two guys do, but then I don’t seem to have as much “hidden penis” beneath my fat pad layer as many report. At least with my starting measurements, there was only about 3/8” variation between my BP and NBP lengths. Perhaps I am not pressing as hard as I should?? But, it surely feels like a hard press when I measure! LOL
Braker, glad you see what I was saying about the squashed unit inside the tube, while stretching, looking like a pretty good girth expansion exercise. And, I also see some length pulled out behind the tube when I pull/stretch while pumping, just as you mentioned. I just don’t get quite the “extra inch” that I try to imagine (visualization) while I am performing the stretches. Still, I think that visualization is an effective aid to actual growth. In fact, I “talk” to my dick, and tell him he is looking bigger all the time! :chuckle:
I agree that stretching in the tube makes it much easier to get a good “grip”. I do some short, relaxed pulls, sort of like JAI’s. Also do some longer static pulls with alternating kegels/released PC. I pull up, down, L, R, and SO. Immediately after each 5-7 minute pump/stretch session, I do 100 jelks up, underhanded, followed by a modified Horse squeeze. Then after 50-100 thigh slaps (depending upon how you count those), I do 100 jelks down, overhanded, followed by another squeeze and slap routine. It seems to be making a difference. Guess I will know for sure when I measure again on December 30th.
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