Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Are Pumping Gains Permanent?


Are Pumping Gains Permanent?

I have read a number of posts that indicate that pumping gains are not permanent. Is this true?

Is weight hanging better?

Thanks in advance for your response.

The immediate extra large swollen “pumped look” that comes from pumping is not permanent. But an effective regular pumping routine, especially in combination with other PE techniques such as jelqing, stretching, etc, can result in permanent girth and length gains over a period of time. I and others can personally attest to this.

The naysayers are often people who have never pumped or who have gotten their information secondhand via hearsay or individuals who thought that pumping would be a magic activity to an instant permanent big dick. Like all other PE techniques, pumping gains take time, patience and effort. For me, pumping has been crucial in making excellent erect and flaccid girth gains.


Last edited by peforeal : 12-12-2002 at .


The choice among hanging, pumping, jelqing, squeezing, etc is all about personal preference. You will find guys who have had varying degrees of success with all of these techniques. Your personal choice may ultimately depend on how much time, privacy and effort you are able or willing to invest. Good luck.


I have a thought that goes like this regarding pumping.If you bend over the trunk of a tree for five minuets and then let it go it will probably return back to its original position,However if you do the same thing but hold it there for many hours or days it will not remember where the original position was and is more likely to stay in the bent the cells have readjusted them selfs .

Another good example is a balloon.My method of pumping is to put the chamber on when I go to bed at night using only a LOW vacuum ,and leaving it on for four, five ,or six hours ,taking it off when I wake up


Forgot to mension I use a cyl which is a fraction under two and a half inches in dia and nine inches long ,and i am just touching the end under vacuum.So sometimes I have to use a special type which encloses the testicals as well

Thanks all for info. I have been studying and just bought the VacuTech:

Our Premium Holiday Starter Package!
Complete Package Includes:
Best Value System - Our Most Popular System
Deluxe SoloPump with 3 feet of Vinyl Tubing,
Flared Cylinder & Complete Instructions
Very Easy to Use — One Hand Operation
Vacuum Level Gauge & Release Trigger

Video - “How to Enlarge Your Penis”
Very Entertaining & Stimulating

Cock Strap - maximize your gains
Soft Glove Leather
Reg. $195.80 - NOW $139.00

I will be looking forward to realizing my goal of 8” erect BP and 6” erect girth. I’m currently 6 3/8” erect length BP with a 5 1/8” erect girth. I have been PEing now for about 5 weeks and didn’t know much about what I was doing until I stumbled on this site from a post in the forums on I’ve learned more this week than all the other sites I’ve seen and am glad to have the support and experience of all of you.

Thanks Again



Interesting overnight low vacuum extended pumping technique! I’ve done occasional extended pumping but always during my non-sleeping hours where I can monitor what’s going on. How long have you employed this method and what kind of results do you think you can attribute to this based on the info that you are already approaching 9 inches in length in the tube and using a 2.5- inch diameter? I think your thoughts that pumping causes the penis to develop a new “size memory” over a period of time has merit, which is why pumping can bring about permanent gains.

Good luck to you with your Vacu-Tech package.



that sounds awfully odd, how do u sleep? I thought that 20mins a day would be enough.


myeight - “how do you sleep at night?” (in the tune of the John Lennon song :D )

but seriously - I never heard of such technique, I tried to sleep with a cock ring a few times, but gave it up cause I felt that I shouldn’t leave my dick under pressure for such a long time without being able to monitor it.

Do give us as much details about how you do it, how long and any results..

Slow and Steady...

…wins the race!! I’m not after that huge, misshapen appendage you see guys displaying on some of the pumping sites!!! Uuuuuuggggly peckers! :mutley: LOL. I like the natural look of my penis. I just want to upgrade the size, while still keeping that normal look and feel. Some people appear to be disappointed that they cannot pump their 6x5 into a permanent 10x7 overnight. Not going to happen! Normal pumping produces a gradual increase in size. With time and patience, we can accomplish those long-term goals and still end up with a healthy, natural-looking tool.

Permanent gains, regardless of which PE techniques we apply, require that we repeat the technique, and gradually increase the stress on our penis over time. Each approach to PE has it’s own merits and risks. Diligent study, good communications with others, and personal experimentation will lead each of us to the routine and techniques that fit for us. I like pumping, and will probably continue to pump for the foreseeable future. At the same time, I do hang, jelk, stretch and squeeze, also. Emphasis varies according to how my unit is looking and feeling. It’s important not to become so rigid in our “program” that we forget to consult our “pupil” to see how he is doing with that program. Modifications and adjustments need to be made based on being well-attuned to our unit.

Myeight, I’m with rolo, here. I don’t know how you sleep. It’s an interesting approach you have, but I don’t think it would work for me. I change the side I am sleeping on several times during the night, and couldn’t keep the tube on (I don’t think, anyway).

Dav, sounds like you got a good package deal there. I’ll be surprised if there is much value to the video, but I could be wrong. Anyway, sounds like you have a very good starting set-up. Good luck to you!!

BTW, how many pumpers, here, use cock rings or cock straps after pumping?? I never have used them, since I follow my pumping sessions with other PE exercises. Just curious to poll the pumpers on restriction devices used after pumping. Thanks!


I won’t be content until I’ve earned the name!


I use a cock ring on a regular basis and so does avocet8.

I put a cock ring on at the end of my workouts (it doesn’t matter if it’s pumping I end with or jelqing or whatever) and leave it on for about 4 hours. I started doing that inspired by the idea of letting the cells repair in the elongated state like hangers do with their ADS. Also I find that it encourages heavier flaccid hang even after I take it off. The penis gets used to stay big for longer. So in theory we have here both cells repairing in the pumped state and penile-memory working for us.

Also there’s the trick of keeping the pumped size for sex, so if I know I’m going to have sex a few hours after I pump, using the ring will keep most of the pumped up size for when I have sex even if it’s a few hours later.

However lately the ring has started to be uncomfortable and even hurts at times, I feel these areas around my penis have become sensitive, so I’m thinking of using it a little less for now.

I think experimentation here is crucial, how does it feel with and is it without, and remember that things change all the time, what was good for you last month might not work the next.

I saw a newspaper article about breast enlargement that involves vacuum pumping the breasts for 10 hours. This supposedly causes the cells to divide. This results in a size increase over many months. Wouldn’t penis pumping work on the same principle?


great discussion, I have stayed away from thunders for a couple of months and just kept on pumping and persevering with it. However, after four months of pumping I have hit the wall, no gains. My routine is as follows;

First two months - 100 jelgs then 3 * 6-8 mins sessions at 2-4 hg.
Last two months - 4 * 5-7 mins sessions at 4-5.5 hg.

I have started to stretch a little more b4 a pump and after also.

I must say the only difference I have noticed is that my base is thicker and perhaps a little girth. One positive is that the amount of lymphatic fluid has decreased over time.

Any suggestions on how I can improve?


Are you after more girth or length or both? What size cylinder and what are your measurements?

How about jelqing and squeezing in between pump sessions?

Do you do any squeezes at all?

Almost everybody suffers from plateaus. There are different ways to overcoming those. You can take some time off. A week or a few weeks, many people broke their plateaus after an extended time off. Changes are always good, time to heal, and surprising your penis after it got used to a certain routine.

Another thing is trying an irregular routine. Have a look at this thread about irregularity.


I am about 5 x 4.5 and would prefer both girth and length, but if I had to choose it would be length. My cylinder is 9 x 1.75. I have started some jelquing between sets, say about 20 or so. I would have thought that taking a rest would benefit someone who has already gained, I have not. That is an interesting thread, maybe I should change my routine, but how do shock your dick whilst pumping? Pump longer, higher Hg’s…….I am at the crossroads, but I want to keep going.


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