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Can you get permanent gains with pumping?

Can you get permanent gains with pumping?

This is a question that has risen at PE Forums. I figure you guys can answer it the best. So can permanent gains be achived using a pump?


Having pumped on and off for 3 years and now pumping more regularly again, I’d have to say that it is possible to gain permanent length and girth results with pumping. The best results, I now believe, come with combining pumping with other PE techniques like dryjelqing, squeezes, bends, etc.

In retrospect, I’d say that my first 1 inch of erect gains was a result of pumping, since I really wasn’t using any other kind of PE technique during my first year. I’ve since put on another 1.25 inches of erect length gains by including the use of other techniques. I also think that pumping has been very instrumental in my achieving significant girth gains, especially at the base of my dick which is at 6.75+ inches.

Presently, I believe I’m experiencing another good growth stage in both length and girth doing the following:

1. Pump for 10 minutes at fairly high pressure (I don’t use a gauge, I just suck on the tube to create an excellent vacuum)

2.Powerjelq for 100 strokes.

3. Grab the base of my dick, twist a bit and squeeze/kegel for about 1 minute.

4. Do erect bends for 1 minute

I repeat the above for about three cycles or more, then finish up with stretching my dick for about 10 minutes.
I do this about 5 days/week.

During any free moments during the day, I’ll do some intense dryjelqs while semi-hard.

It’s important to keep variety and intensity in PE routines. Even pumping can lose its effectiveness,if it isn’t changed up with other techniques over the long haul.



Ok Peforeal Thanks. That is pretty much what I was thinking… but some people insisted that pumping did not give permanent gains. My argument was that as long as you included other pe techniques you could get perm. growth.

Yes it is possible.

I have made good gains and still adding.

just read those posts - hallelujah

Gains with pumping

I believe I made a gain in the lenght department. I got some morning wood and did a measurement. BPEL was 5”! I’m normally 4” EL.

When I pump I can measure 6.5” while in the tube which is, because of my weight, sunk into my body. (100 lbs overweight)

6” is my goal so I guess if I go on a diet and lose 100 lbs my goal of 6” will be realized!!!

Tiger what were your gains and are they permanent?


“I don’t use a gauge, I just suck on the tube to create an excellent vacuum”

Thats exactly what I used to do with my homemade one back in highschool. Problem was that I had no clue what I was doing and didn’t do it with enough regularity to get noticeable gains (wasn’t measuring back then either).

I do remember that I could draw a surprisingly strong vacuum though.

"You can't judge a fisherman by the size of his boat, but a bigger boat sure makes his job easier!"- unknown "Its not the size of the boat, its the motion in the ocean. Yeah but it takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat!" - Jeff Foxworthy June 2002: BPEL:6.5-6.75" EG:5.5-5.75" ? (Toilet Paper tube girth) October 2003 BPEL:8.0" EG:6.5" mid 7.0" @ Base February 2005 same :( New Year's Resolution: Lose 15 lbs and break this stupid plateau!!!!

Permanent gains are most definately possible with a manual/pump routine. Over the last month I have been combining an intense manual stretch routine with short high pressure pump cycles. During this time I have realized a 1/2” permanent erect length gain. I can say “permanent” because I had to take the last 5 days off due to privacy issues. When I measured again today preworkout the gains are still there.

I think I may change my sub-signature to read: “Mandatory. Do a search of the phrase ‘permanent gains from pumping.’

I am not the only one who experienced gains from pumping and doing nothing else. The point is, one has better assurance of better gains by incorporating manual exercises between short pump sessions. The exercises give good tissue workout; the pumping then expands everything - lengthwise, girthwise - and all you do is heal microtears until the next PE session.

PS: Schedule breaks from your routine. So many days on, so many off. Stick to the routine as closely as you can.



Correct me if I’m wrong but it appears from what I’ve read:

Some have made gains from short times and low pressure***
~”kabar” After the warm up if you do warmups, do a 2 min stretch routine then pump a 2mm for 2 mins, then with 100% erection, squeeze at the base for about 20 secs. Do about 5 sets of these squeezes then pump another 2 mins at 2 mm pressure. Repeat this sequence about 5 times. WOW WHAT A PUMP.
I do this routine twice daily 5 times a week. Im now at 6.25” girth and had to stop. Dont want to go beyond 6.5” girth.
Wifey starting to give me these funny looks.”

Some have made gains with longer times and higher pressure***
~”supersizeit” The pressure is always at a level such that I am beginning to cross the threshold of comfortable into uncomfortable but I will not push the pressure to the point of outright pain or total discomfort.

Its a delicate balance and careful monitoring for bruising. You must pay attention!!! because you will not always get the warning signs in the form of pain sometimes spots just appear and then you know its time to back off.

In the beginning I used to break every 20 minutes for only one minute in order to do a penile inspection and massage it but then I kept increasing the time in the tube gradually in increments of about 5 minutes until I reached the point where I was in the tube for one full hour. Typically my unit would be grossly swelled by then (the head would look weird and the meatus would protrude out) and distorted but I did not worry because the tissues always returned to normal after about 8- 10 hours.
~”peforeal”1. Pump for 10 minutes at fairly high pressure (I don’t use a gauge, I just suck on the tube to create an excellent vacuum)

2.Powerjelq for 100 strokes.

3. Grab the base of my dick, twist a bit and squeeze/kegel for about 1 minute.

4. Do erect bends for 1 minute

I repeat the above for about three cycles or more, then finish up with stretching my dick for about 10 minutes.
I do this about 5 days/week.
> I thought I would share my findings in case you didn’t already know this..
As you can tell I am also interested in this, and have been doing lots of reading and asking questions. I think for myself I will start off with short sessions 2-5 minutes and lower hg 2-4 hg no more than 5hg..
Sets of three to five

What is all this talk about the blood laying in the penis being bad during pumping, many of the hard core Jelqers say this is not good at all, something about causing tissue death. I have tried Jelqing and pumping, but I am getting what I believe is better results from pumping, I stay thicker and longer for days at a time and only pump 10 minutes a few times a week at 5 hg pressure.


I am your secret admirer :) I hope I can gain like you.

oops! I meant to tell it to avocet8.

tan1; That’s flattering and I thank you. But you can tell that to any of the vets here, some of whom are larger than I, length or girth.

Ocean said, “What is all this talk about the blood laying in the penis being bad during pumping, many of the hard core Jelqers say this is not good at all, something about causing tissue death.”

When you are in the tube, under vacuum, you are still getting some re-oxygenated blood exchange, just not as much as without the pump cylinder; the cylinder base is usually not deeply constricting around the shaft. Those of us who have done this a lot find that frequent breaks tend to result in better long-term gains because more frequent floods of newly oxygenated blood encourage cell division and tissue growth.

On the other hand, if you are wearing a cock ring on your shaft and are erect, you get much less blood exchange and that can cause the blood to pool. The restriction at the base prevents re-oxygenation. That is the reason for the 1/2 hr limit rule on cock rings during sex or masturbation.

One erroneous view about pumping, imo, is this: Because we like the effect and the look of being in the cylinder and pumped up, we think that longer times inside must be better. But it doesn’t work that way because new blood exchange is cut down the longer you are in and lymphatic fluid has greater opportunity to accumulate the longer you remain inside the tube.

During jelking, you are doing outward strokes. Between strokes, no matter how slowly or quickly you do them, blood does flow into your cock and it exits. I’d have trouble figuring out how jelking impedes blood flow. Clamping, or a cock ring or some other constricting device for a long time, yes.



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