Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Can you get permanent gains with pumping?

Hey Avocet8,

I think this question should be answered as many times as it’s asked.

In fact, why not make a special sticky thread saying “Are Pumping Gains Permanent?”

It’s a fundamental fear everyone of us have and rightfully so. We want to know if this work is going to pay off.

Here’s another burning question: does the time it takes for your gains to wear off lengthen with each workout?

That is, if I gain an inch of girth after my session and it takes an hour for it to wear off, over time is it going to take longer and longer for it to wear off?



P.S. I’ve been doing long sessions at lower pressure and getting better results from that it seems. It seems my pump stays longer with longer low hg sessions, but i’m just a rookie who hasn’t stuck with a program long enough to know what he’s talking about, so caveat emptor!

im new, where is the how to on pumping?

Originally Posted by bymyself
im new, where is the how to on pumping?

Vacuum Pumping 101

also here:


I started pumping in 1991 and in few months I went from 6.5 to 8.5. I would pump as hard as I could resist morning, evening and night because it would go back to normality in few hours and I was addicted to a big penis. It did not look very nice when flaccid ( red and swollen) but it worked very well and girls were happy about it. Since then I pumped on and off and today (even if I take a break of one month) my girth and length have permanently increased, but not closely as much as when I am in the tube and for the next few hours. Recently, I started jelqing and stretching and I start to believe that I should try to do all the disciplines together to see some rally interesting gains. I’ll let you know.

Anyone interested in a ball pumping tube? I have a cylinder that I bought from DR. Joel Kaplan’s site I would like to sell. The cylinder is 3.25 diameter. I bought this tube for $75.00 and have used the tube once (not my thing) I am willing to sell it for $50.00

Email thanks

I have always preferred a cock ring around my dick and under my balls, the pump for all you are worth with a reliable pump. Hold the pressure for about 5 minutes. Repeat three times. It keeps my cock fuller and longer for about 24 hours.

Of course, a dildo up the backside helps maintain a great erection as well.

Buby, you say you’ve gained permanent erect gains from pumping?

Pumped 5 times a week for 20 min and sometimes 2x20 min with a little break. The temporary expansion both flaccid and erect was amazing, but I never gained permanent erect length/girth. Since you’re a pump veteran, any theories why I never gained permanent erect gains?

I’ve also mixed it up a bit with some jelqs and stretching. Have to say the girth expansion is insane, but to me it seems like the workout gets a little too heavy with the pump. So I either do a pump session or a jelq session.

Originally Posted by camocock
Buby, you say you’ve gained permanent erect gains from pumping?

Pumped 5 times a week for 20 min and sometimes 2x20 min with a little break. The temporary expansion both flaccid and erect was amazing, but I never gained permanent erect length/girth. Since you’re a pump veteran, any theories why I never gained permanent erect gains?

I’ve also mixed it up a bit with some jelqs and stretching. Have to say the girth expansion is insane, but to me it seems like the workout gets a little too heavy with the pump. So I either do a pump session or a jelq session.

Im no pump vet but how high was the pressure you were using? Either way, it was probably too high.

What Buby is saying is that he has gained little out of the tube in several years of pumping, anyway.

Originally Posted by spankman
Hey Avocet8,

I think this question should be answered as many times as it’s asked.

In fact, why not make a special sticky thread saying “Are Pumping Gains Permanent?”

It’s a fundamental fear everyone of us have and rightfully so. We want to know if this work is going to pay off.

I totally agree with you on this, spankman. It won’t be a bad idea at all to have a sticky at the first page under this heading.

In fact I was myself looking for such a thread for long. Now I see many pumpers sharing their valuable experience and routines, which gives me more ideas and motivation :up: :up:

Originally Posted by Jimdean

Of course, a dildo up the backside helps maintain a great erection as well.


"You know that look a woman gets when she wants sex? Me neither" - Steve Martin

Yeah think I overdid the pressure for a while in the start, got some spots and freaked out a little and all the experiment stuff :P Read some different theories of what is the best way to pump. In my opinion the pump is less effective on long term gains than manual stretching/jelqing. I believe that occasional use, preferably after or in between other techniques, is the best way to go. The pump is in my experience an extreme device, and if used regularly would make the penis more resistant against less extreme techniques. But who am I to talk, just getting into this :P

Originally Posted by camocock
Yeah think I overdid the pressure for a while in the start, got some spots and freaked out a little and all the experiment stuff :P Read some different theories of what is the best way to pump. In my opinion the pump is less effective on long term gains than manual stretching/jelqing. I believe that occasional use, preferably after or in between other techniques, is the best way to go. The pump is in my experience an extreme device, and if used regularly would make the penis more resistant against less extreme techniques. But who am I to talk, just getting into this :P

In fact, any and all PE exercises can be done to the extreme and doing so makes them ineffective. The best way to approach PE from any method is to use moderation and avoid trauma and injury. For pumping that would mean using lower pressures and taking frequent breaks. For me the most effective pressure is only 3 to 4”hg and I like to pump for 45-60 minutes taking short breaks every 15 minutes. I spend most of that time in the 3-3.5”hg range. These pressures and times are the optimum for me in obtaining permanent results.

I have been pumping for a long time and used to pump at much higher pressures, often in the 10-12”hg range, also a lot of pumping in the 6-8”hg range and although these pressures produce impressive short term expansion, the results don’t last and I believe that is because these pressures cause excessive tissue trauma and that cancels out any growth potential. Permanent growth comes from gentle expansion over long periods of time.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Avocet8, peforeal, gprent, and everyone,

I have been pumping for probably a year or so but I have not stuck to a regular routine. I have made some minimal gains in the past 3 years or so only I think because I haven’t stuck to a routine for very long. In your opinion would a routine of 3 days a week, of 3 sets of 10mins at 3-5Hg be enough to gain? This is of course if I stick with it and I would be including jelqing and manual stretching. I’ve always been meaning to stick to a routine. I’m only looking for and extra 3/4” in length and about 1/4” in girth or so.


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