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Can you get permanent gains with pumping?

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
That sounds more like just pumping is not enough. Why not put in 100 jelqs a day and gain more?

This time around I am incorporating jelqs along with my routine. When I initially started my pumping routine I wanted to see if my gains would become permanent with pumping alone. This was my own experiment to see how I would react.

Now I’m starting pumping again and including jelqing in between pumping sets. I’m starting slow at 30 jelqs between sets and I will gradually increase jelq strokes over a few weeks time.

I have been pumping for a few months, and my gains are modest. I love being in the pump, but like many have said, I think you can over do it easily ( just like hanging) its a piece to the puzzle.

My wife doesn’t yet know I PE, but she certainly seems to like my post pump girth. I only workout m t- th f, lately Friday nights she seems to be more interested than usual.

Pumping has been around so long since the 70’s and it seems like every PE site talks about pumping as an after thought. I just personally find it hard to believe pumping gains can be permanent. PE’ing like hanging and clamping just personally make sense to me in a permanent manner.

None of that is meant to disregard people that take pumping serious just my opinion.

3/11 - 8.25 BPEL X 6.00 EG - GOAL 9.00 BPEL x 6.50 EG.

Bottom line is pumping IS very fun. It feels very good. There is also gains from pumping as well, many of the non-pumpers won’t give credit to it because of the propoganda that pumping gains are not permenant.

Some of us view the temp gains of pumping that are useable for several hours as a icing on the cake.

It would be great to hear from someone that has actual results to show, whether positive or none. There are so many opinions out there, and most of them seem plausible to me. The ART OF PE seems just that, ART. We’re all trying to find the truth through Science, but most of it stems from comparable, questionable studies. It would be great to hear from some people that can show empirical evidence, who have measured correctly, and have definable results.

I’ve been using Extender for pretty religiously now for 4-5 mo’s. I used it 2-3 mo’s a year ago, but gave up, and started back up after realizing that if it works, be prepared for use it 5 days a week, 4+ hours a day for 12-16 mo’s to get maybe 1/2 inch. I’ve also been jelqing 3-5 days a weeks for about 2 mo’s+. I never measured circumference, and found that I had a hard time getting a true measurement, and can only say, it feels a little bit thicker. But I can say that I’ve gained 1/4 inch in length because I do have a pre-PE measurement. However I can’t tell you definitively whether stretching & jelqing combined accounted for the gain, or whether one of the exercises accounted for all or major portion of it. I also can tell you whether my gains are permanent. I would guess I would need to lay off of PE for a good 6 mo’s to determine. I’m not prepared to do that because I’d give up 6 mo’s of potential PE gains.

If anyone would like to chime in to whether they’ve obtained gains (length and/or girth), and the exercises that accounted for these gains, I think all of us would appreciate the positive reinforcement.

Originally Posted by charlie dog
It would be great to hear from someone that has actual results to show, whether positive or none. There are so many opinions out there, and most of them seem plausible to me. The ART OF PE seems just that, ART. We’re all trying to find the truth through Science, but most of it stems from comparable, questionable studies. It would be great to hear from some people that can show empirical evidence, who have measured correctly, and have definable results.

I’ve been using Extender for pretty religiously now for 4-5 mo’s. I used it 2-3 mo’s a year ago, but gave up, and started back up after realizing that if it works, be prepared for use it 5 days a week, 4+ hours a day for 12-16 mo’s to get maybe 1/2 inch. I’ve also been jelqing 3-5 days a weeks for about 2 mo’s+. I never measured circumference, and found that I had a hard time getting a true measurement, and can only say, it feels a little bit thicker. But I can say that I’ve gained 1/4 inch in length because I do have a pre-PE measurement. However I can’t tell you definitively whether stretching & jelqing combined accounted for the gain, or whether one of the exercises accounted for all or major portion of it. I also can tell you whether my gains are permanent. I would guess I would need to lay off of PE for a good 6 mo’s to determine. I’m not prepared to do that because I’d give up 6 mo’s of potential PE gains.

If anyone would like to chime in to whether they’ve obtained gains (length and/or girth), and the exercises that accounted for these gains, I think all of us would appreciate the positive reinforcement.

Something that has worked for me and IMO is not as dangerous as some people act like it is, is clamping. But you need to take it slowly because it’s hardcore but it works and has been permanent in my case.

3/11 - 8.25 BPEL X 6.00 EG - GOAL 9.00 BPEL x 6.50 EG.

Hi HugeWang69. I agree, injuries can stop progress in it’s tracks. Would you mind letting me know what clamp products & accessories you’re using. Also, if you have a moment, can you explain your process for putting them on?

Where did your EG (currently 6) start, and how long did it take to reach your current thickness? Was it clamping that got you to 6, or were there other girth exercises that helped accomplish your gain?


Since this thread is “Can you get permanent gains with pumping?”, it would be better to take discussions on the merits and how-tos of clamping to another thread, and probably in another forum like Main Member.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

thank you. good point.

What is the definition of perminant girth enlargement? I have been pumping regularly for about 20 minutes a day five days a week for over two years. My girth has increased from 4.4 inches to 5 inches today. However, I have not taken a break for more than 10 days at a time. Is my girth considered perminant or do I need to take a six month or one year pumping break in order to determine if my girth increase is perminant.

As further evidence of my “perminant” growth, I started using a 1.5 inch cylinder which I did not pack at all until 6 months into pumping. Today, I am using a 1.75 inch cylinder which I am packing at least 1/4 of the way up from the base. I have always used 5 hg for consistency.

Last edited by dtwarren1942 : 03-27-2012 at .

Good Question dtwarren1942. That would be interesting to know. I would suspect that you have permanent gains, but who knows whether you keep the entire .6 inches. My thought would be prior gains (first year to year & a half) have been cemented, but recent gains may require more time to be cemented.

Have you combined any other PE exercises for girth, or has pumping been your only exercise?


Have you combined any other PE exercises for girth, or has pumping been your only exercise?
I do occasional clamping for girth. I use an extender, ADS, and stretching for length.

Thanks dtwarren1942. Very Cool

I haven’t gained anything “yet” from pumping so take this with some grains of salt, but I have been active in the PE world for the past 4 years and gained from other exercises so I know when a particular exercise is working and when it isn’t.

This is my opinion on pumping I posted in another thread. I think this is the best way for me to get permanent gains from pumping:

I never go into the pump flaccid, and I never come out flaccid. Anything less than 75% and you’re getting less expansion with more fluid buildup.

For me, edging and pumping go hand in hand. I usually warm up for about 10 minutes, then lube up and get at least an 80% erection before my first pump. My first two pumps are usually a minute long or less, just to get things warmed up. Then I edge until I’m at 95%+ and reenter the tube. I keep repeating this process, staying as close to 100% erection as possible. This has been a learning experience, and I’ve jizzed in the tube on multiple occasions, but I am getting better.

I generally don’t spend more than 4 minutes in the tube each time (once my erection level goes below 90% I usually pull it out), but I do it multiple times over the course of my edging session. My personal opinion is that you should never pump flaccid or semi-flaccid. Always as erect as possible. I stay as close as I can to the PONR because it means more expansion. When I’m in the tube I gently wiggle and twist the tube to stimulate my glans and keep my erection level (this is where I screw up sometimes and blow it).

At the moment my rule is to not go over 4 Hg. The interesting thing is that I can usually withstand more Hg the less erect I am. When I am near 100% erect 4 Hg feels like too much pressure sometimes. In my opinion, it’s not just the Hg that matters, but also your erection level. I have never had edema or “donut ring,” ever.

Another trick I use to get more engorgement with less Hg is to hold a light reverse kegel and squeeze my ass cheeks together to expose more of the penis.

I have gained from pumping but it has taken five years so far. Presently my MSEG is 5.7inch (after having not pumping for several days) and my BP length 8.1inch (7.4NBP). I’ve not gained much either way but my MSEG was 5.4inch and my NBP length was 7.0inch

I believe that many don’t see results immediately and give up - hence the notion that it doesn’t work.


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