Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Can you get permanent gains with pumping?

Originally Posted by Damien84
Avocet8, peforeal, gprent, and everyone,

I have been pumping for probably a year or so but I have not stuck to a regular routine. I have made some minimal gains in the past 3 years or so only I think because I haven’t stuck to a routine for very long. In your opinion would a routine of 3 days a week, of 3 sets of 10mins at 3-5Hg be enough to gain? This is of course if I stick with it and I would be including jelqing and manual stretching. I’ve always been meaning to stick to a routine. I’m only looking for and extra 3/4” in length and about 1/4” in girth or so.

I think it would be better if you could pump for 4 or 5 days a week. When I use low pressure, I often pump 7 days a week and every once and a while take a day or 2 off.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
For me the most effective pressure is only 3 to 4”hg and I like to pump for 45-60 minutes taking short breaks every 15 minutes. I spend most of that time in the 3-3.5”hg range. These pressures and times are the optimum for me in obtaining permanent results.

Hey gp, during those short breaks between pumping sessions, is it ok to jelq, or should you just let it rest and do nothing. I’ve been jelqing in between sessions for 3-4 mins, but concerned it might be overdoing it.

Originally Posted by pshycothief
Hey gp, during those short breaks between pumping sessions, is it ok to jelq, or should you just let it rest and do nothing. I’ve been jelqing in between sessions for 3-4 mins, but concerned it might be overdoing it.

Nothing hard, just easy to moderate jelqing to bring in a new blood supply. The pump has already done the work, the jelq restores re-oxygenated blood to the penis.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Last edited by gprent : 05-21-2009 at .

Good information thanks.

Can you get permanent gains with pumping?

I’m reviving this thread to get current members views on pumping. I’ve been jelqing modified with cock ring & penis sleeve, and have been considering trying the pump. I’ve read volumes of articles that gains from pumping are temporary, easily prone to injury if not done just right, and that mostly, men just get enjoyment from doing it.

I would be interested in members that have been doing girth exercises, the techniques they most prefer, and results. Let the games begin!! :)

Yes, the gains I’ve made in length I still retain to this day. I went from 8” to 9.25” while pumping.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist

Yes, the gains I’ve made in length I still retain to this day. I went from 8” to 9.25” while pumping.

how regular,how long, how much? :P ;)

Pumping does work I have gained a lot of overall size from it over the last few years. It is also addictive as you see your normal dick suddenly become a monster in the tube. Just don’t over do it keep the pressure under 6 Hg.

Originally Posted by neverworks69
It is also addictive as you see your normal dick suddenly become a monster in the tube. Just don’t over do it keep the pressure under 6 Hg.

I have been pumping for over two years and I still can’t stop looking at it fully pumped and imagining what I would do with it if I could only maintain it at that size. Over the two years, I have increased my cylinder from 1.5 inch diameter to a 2 inch cylinder. When I think about it, it seems my current perminant girth is now about the same as my pumped girth was in the original tube. I guess you can say my original imagined dick has become a reality.

As they sang in the old Jeffersons tv show, “I’m moving on up.”

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
how regular,how long, how much? :P ;)

My initial gains took a year of consistent pumping. I’m now pumping again on a regular basis for about two hours a day. I go in with a great erection and use low pressure.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Nice, I love that constant workout is what works cause that is what I do :D

I feel that pumping can lead to permanent gains. I pumped for almost a full year on a very conservative routine and gained about .3” in girth, but I stopped pumping and went back down to my original pre-pumped girth. I decided to make pumping my only source of PE to see if gains were permanent. I have since started pumping again and will eventually start ramping up my routine hoping for permanent gains.

Originally Posted by nrvous1

I feel that pumping can lead to permanent gains. I pumped for almost a full year on a very conservative routine and gained about .3” in girth, but I stopped pumping and went back down to my original pre-pumped girth. I decided to make pumping my only source of PE to see if gains were permanent. I have since started pumping again and will eventually start ramping up my routine hoping for permanent gains.

That sounds more like just pumping is not enough. Why not put in 100 jelqs a day and gain more?

My honest opinion is why should pumping be any less effective than any other form of “properly practiced” PE.

Pumping often gets a bad rap the usual kind of comments being along the lines of “pumps have been around for years if they worked there’d be loads of guys walking round with huge dicks” well maybe there are! how the hell would you know ? Oh right, maybe through forums like this ? well a lot of guys do claim permanent gains from pumping so make what you want of that.

Also the practice of hanging weights has arguably been around a lot longer, as in hundreds of years longer so I ask you since everyone has access to weights, where are all the guys with huge dicks ?

I think pretty much every form of PE discussed here will work for some people but the problem with pumping is it’s far too easy to abuse and get nowhere, like any other piece of equipment you need to learn how to use it.

There’s been plenty of guys here who have jelqed, clamped, hung or extended and god knows what else for months and not gained but none of those methods are ever doubted.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
My honest opinion is why should pumping be any less effective than any other form of “properly practiced” PE.

Pumping often gets a bad rap the usual kind of comments being along the lines of “pumps have been around for years if they worked there’d be loads of guys walking round with huge dicks” well maybe there are! how the hell would you know ? Oh right, maybe through forums like this ? well a lot of guys do claim permanent gains from pumping so make what you want of that.

Also the practice of hanging weights has arguably been around a lot longer, as in hundreds of years longer so I ask you since everyone has access to weights, where are all the guys with huge dicks ?

I think pretty much every form of PE discussed here will work for some people but the problem with pumping is it’s far too easy to abuse and get nowhere, like any other piece of equipment you need to learn how to use it.

There’s been plenty of guys here who have jelqed, clamped, hung or extended and god knows what else for months and not gained but none of those methods are ever doubted.

The big difference from pumping to other exercises is that pumping isnt a “real world” conditions exercise. The vacuum created is not natural. But that doesnt mean that it wont work for permanent gains.


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