Newbie Penomet Problems
Hello reader,
I purchased the premium Penomet package a number of years ago. I began using it again about two and a half weeks ago. I followed the guide of 10 minutes with the purple gaiter, for 5 days on and 2 off. My penis would get rather tender and, at times, bruise in small patches on the glans. It would also seem to turtle shortly after and I’d have water retention below the glans. I tried to pump using only one hand today, as not to press too hard, and the head still bruised. I spend a few minutes with warm water on it before I put it in, and I do the same once I’ve taken it out.
I do have one problem that might be attributing to this. I’m on lithium (mood stabilizer) and escitalopram (anti-depressant) to keep my mood stable as I have bi-polar, and they affect my EQ. Sometimes I’m forced to go into the Penomet at perhaps 30-40%. More of a full semi than an erection. Another thing I’ve noticed is that the top of my glans is often pressed against the top of the tube. This is because I’m about 7.5 inches BPEL and I have a distinct upward curve like a banana, so it’s hard to avoid this.
Any advice would be so greatly appreciated. I’m doing this because I’d like better EQ and also more girth. I’m 5 inch MSEG.