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Noose thinning under glans, need advice please.


Noose thinning under glans, need advice please.

Hi guys

As some of you may know I use a ADS called the Max Extender. (I regret buying it)
It comes with a noose fitting to hold the head in place to stretch it.

I did buy a pump a while ago with a lever and no gauge but I got a bit heavy handed with it and the lever broke.
(What a piece of shit)
So I tried fixing it and I made a makeshift handle and then in the repairs the seal was broken.
(What a fucking piece of shit)

But back to the point. As I am using the Max Extender it’s noose has to be tight to actually hold it without slipping
So it’s digging into just under my glans and making that part narrower and I heard from a constant gainer from using it that it becomes a permanent feature!

I do not want that to happen to my knob.

Do you think if I bought another pump and kept using that before and after using the Max Extender that I would reduce or eliminate the threat of this really thin narrow bit under my glans?

And what type of pump do you guys recommend for this type of thing?
A real cheap model with just a rubber hand squeeze bit?
Or a higher up model with Gauge and no levers?

And does anyone know if there is a way to convert the Max extender into a non noose type fitting device?

I will appreciate any feedback.

Yours sincerely

Mr Whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Try using a ton of wrapping that should help. I have an extender that uses a strap instead of noose, but it was still too uncomfortable, I ended up fitting a strap of velcro on the thing, and using that to hold in place, it sounds complicated, but was very easy, and very comfortable.

That sounds perfect.
What should I use to wrap my rod?
No joke I would appreciate it in simple step by step terms.
And anywhere which sells strap of Velcro on it own?

Thank you very much Dream

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

You don’t actually need a pump/lever to vacuum a cylinder. You can use your mouth to suck the air out. For this a valve in the end of the tube will be helpful.

I use an extender with a noose. While I don’t recommend it to anyone, it’s not true that any part of your penis will become narrower - pretty much the adverse.

How much suction can I get with my mouth for the pump piet?
And when do I stop?

Really? It starting to look like it’s getting more and more pulled in.
I am trying wrapping right now but I don’t know if it’s working.

Any hints in general?

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

The maximum suction I reached just now was -23” Hg. A third of that should be enough for pumping.

I agree with Marinera that your penis won’t get narrower but it may leave an indentation in your skin :(

I think it might be the indentation I am on about. :(
23! That’s insane. I am going to have to be careful with that.

So is the indentation a lost cause even with pumping?
Is there no hope for my penis? Am I doomed to walk the world with a indentation?

It seems to of pushed the veins which were under the glans down by about 0.2.
At first I thought it was new skin growing for my penis to get bigger.

Piet, if you don’t mind me asking, what type of pump do you use?
And is it a good pump? Would you recommend it?

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
I think it might be the indentation I am on about. :(
23! That’s insane. I am going to have to be careful with that.

To reach 23 I had to put a lot of effort in so you don’t get that high by accident. But knowing you can reach 20-25 at max you can estimate how much to suck for safe values.

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
So is the indentation a lost cause even with pumping?
Is there no hope for my penis? Am I doomed to walk the world with a indentation?

I don’t know the answer to that. A few years ago I tried to use a fulcrum in combination with my homemade stretcher and I think that left 2 indentations halfway up my skin which are still showing.

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
It seems to of pushed the veins which were under the glans down by about 0.2.
At first I thought it was new skin growing for my penis to get bigger.

Piet, if you don’t mind me asking, what type of pump do you use?
And is it a good pump? Would you recommend it?

Unfortunately I bought an over sized cylinder with a bad pump, not something I would recommend ;)

Sorry it’s taken so long to get back to you.
Well that is good news.
Because I have the broken pump which I will attach some tubing to and suck through that.

Ok so pumping might not help in that circumstance. But if it’s just a slight indentation on the skin and not a lessening on girth under my glans I can live with that.

Oh ok but you made it work?
Or found a different form of PE?

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

I’ve been using an extender with noose for awhile now and have seen absolutely nothing like you suggest. When I first take the device off, yes there is an indentation, but that goes away quite quickly. You are only using it for 2-8 hours a day, it won’t do that.

Maybe if you were wearing it 24/7 for a year, that might happen, but then you’d also have other issues like your penis head being a black shrivelled dead piece of meat.

Actually I just thought of something. My uncle got divorced a few months back, and obviously wanted to remove his wedding ring, which he had been wearing non stop for 15 years. They had to cut it off, it was that sunken into his flesh, and there was a very deep indentation that went all the way around his finger. 3 weeks later it was all gone.


I wanted to share a couple of thoughts. What I use for a pump is actually an automotive tool, used to place a vacuum on auto brake lines to bleed out air. It has a gauge, and came with all the tubing needed for it to easily connect to my cylinder. Perhaps you might find something in a local store. Mine was on sale for less than $20 US.

As far as Extenders go, I am a pleased user of the X4Labs “Deluxe” kit. You might visit their web site & look over the product lines. What sold me on the X4 was that a user can employ either a noose tubule, or a strap, or both. Yes both. X4 noose tubes are used with a foam sleeve that the noose tube slides into. This in effect makes the Silicon noose tube coverd or wrapped in soft foam.

Now, I’ve just completed year 1, and I am going to be doing a 2nd year. If you believe you are going to be using your Extender to the same degree that I am, I would encourage you to begin considering upgrading to some device that is a wee bit more sophisticated. I just want to nudge you to begin thinking of doing something to make your extender use, easier, less worry free.



Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
Sorry it’s taken so long to get back to you.
Well that is good news.
Because I have the broken pump which I will attach some tubing to and suck through that.

Ok so pumping might not help in that circumstance. But if it’s just a slight indentation on the skin and not a lessening on girth under my glans I can live with that.

Oh ok but you made it work?
Or found a different form of PE?

Actually, under your glans you can experience a sligth increase in girth, due to the reduced blood flow. This phenomenon was noticed in studies also.

I have the feeling that you are using way too much tension with your extender. You should wear it at about the NBPEL - it’s the time, not the force, that causes elongation with these devices.

Not saying that there is reliable time = length gains relation, but it can help thinking like this: ‘after 600 hours of wearing, I’ll have a 0.25” gain; after 1500 a 0.5 gain’. I know, it’s a lot of time, but the good news is : if you wear it at low tension, you can easily wear for 3+ hours daily without much discomfort.

After a given amount of time, it can happen that the device is even pleasurable. I started having erection with it, so wearing it became hard for that reason.

The identation is quite common, it should go away after some weeks you ceas the use of the device.

Hope it helps.

Originally Posted by marinera
Actually, under your glans you can experience a sligth increase in girth, due to the reduced blood flow. This phenomenon was noticed in studies also.

I have the feeling that you are using way too much tension with your extender. You should wear it at about the NBPEL - it’s the time, not the force, that causes elongation with these devices.

Really? Which study mentioned an enlarged glans?

As to the tension thing, I am pretty sure it is both time and tension that cause elongation.

Originally Posted by boner7484
Really? Which study mentioned an enlarged glans?

I have not said the glans, but under the glans. Right under to be precise, although some studies (guess a mistake in translation or an attempt to endorse the product, say ‘glans’). It’s not that you are going to gain 0.5" in girth with an extender, anyway.

Effect of penile-extender device in increasing penile size in men with shortened penis: preliminary results - PubMed

Originally Posted by boner7484
As to the tension thing, I am pretty sure it is both time and tension that cause elongation.

What I was meaning, it is the time is the most important factor, and this is what one should try to maximize.

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