Packing Tube and Donut question
How does packing the tube affect the development of a donut? Part of me as I am pumping is concerned with developing a donut and the other part is concerned more with growth, which as I understand packing the tube is an important aspect to. So I am wondering if I should be trying to prevent a donut at this early a stage or if I should just let things take their course and go to pack the tube.
Also for donut prevention I have been using sports tape as opposed to duct tape and I go around the circum’ scar 1 time. Should I be taping a wider area? (The tape is 1 1/2 inches wide). So yea simply put I am concerned to a degree donut prevention may slow growth (also I wasn’t quite clear on if the tape should be wrapped fulled around the penis I presumed as much be given that tape doesnt stretch unlike a ace bandage this seems a bit hazardous).