Donut appearing while erect in tube
Most people here say that staying erect while in the tube helps reduce the donut effect but Ive been suffering from the opposite. Whenever I get very strong erections in the tube, donuts start to appear much sooner then when Ive got a very light erection or no erection at all in the tube.
My routine is 3 sets of 10 min at 5-6.5 hg with 5 minutes of jelqing in between pumping. If I pump with a focus on strong erections then the donut will start setting in somewhere in the middle of the second set. If I stay more relaxed then I can get through a whole routine with either no donut or barely none at all. Im wondering if it would be better to stick at just 2 sets of 10 with a focus on strong erections and try to condition my penis more or to stick with a more relaxed pumping session.
Anyone else notice this happening to them? If so, any effects on gains?