I’m actually very interested in this.
The patent does reveal, in great detail, the supposed novel method device utilizes to create tissue growth, and it does appear to be based on what appear to be scientifically proven methodologies. So while it’s unlikely that many of us will consider renting this device for $20K, there may be some insights here we may want to investigate.
In other words, if there is something to this method, we may be able to replicate it.
From the patent:
"The stretching that vacuum devices create is not enough to permanently stretch the tissues. The cells of pliable tissue can be imagined as a set of connected spheres. When a tension is applied the cells can then be imagined as taking on an elliptical shape, with all of the cell-to-cell bonds remaining intact. This elliptical distortion can remain as long as the tension remains. However, release of the tension allows the cells to gradually return their spherical shape, free of any growth from the stretch."
What they’re saying here is that stretching alone (hanging, traction, clamping, pumping, etc, essentially "traditional PE") is largely ineffective because we’re stretching the cells, and they just go back to their non-stretched state (and size) afterwards.
"inducing penile tissue regrowth is to cause micro-tears. A simplified understanding is that micro-tears are caused by exceeding the bond strength between adjoining cells, so as to allow new cells to be grown in between."
The claim is that we need to actually break the bond between cells to make room for new cells to induce growth.
This could explain why traditional PE takes so long. Best case, we’re creating a very small amount of micro-tears. Hard gainers, especially. Non-gainers may be creating none. This could be due to genetics, technique/intensity, or both.
"what causes … micro-tears at the most strained points is applying vibration"
The claim is that adding vibration (and perhaps a very specific type of vibration) while the tissue is stretched is a faster, more efficient way to create the micro-tears that they claim is necessary for growth to occur (or to occur quick).
If this is true, and we can discover ways to create this vibration during [insert your favorite PE method], it could in-fact lead to significantly accelerated progress.
"It is understood that the tensioning interval of this step of the method of the invention leads to the cells of the user’s penile tissue entering what is referred to here as a tensioned state. As has been described above, the penile tissue cells in the tensioned state as during this tensioning interval can be envisioned as taking on a tensioned or elongated or elliptical shape in the direction of the vacuum, with all of the cell-to-cell bonds remaining intact.""the control module controls the vibration motor to produce vibration in the activation module, in conjunction with vacuum from the tensioning interval overlapping in duration."
What this machine does, quite simply, is stretch the penis using a vacuum pump (stretching the cells), and then apply vibration while in the stretched state to create micro-tears.
And the claim is that breaking the bond between existing cells, by stretching them then creating micro-tears through vibration force, allows new cells to occupy the space between them, and that the addition of these new cells is what creates growth.
Now the interesting part where they describe the specific type of vibration they claim is needed to create the micro-tears:
"A National Institute of Health study found that whole body vibration can be tolerated for up to one minute at approximately 2.0 g by standing adults (”Safety and severity of accelerations delivered from whole body vibration exercise devices to standing adults” (located at www ncbi nlm nih gov/pmc/articles/PMC3688642). Amplitude in the vibration motor moving an eccentric mass 0.94 inches per revolution at 3600 RPM gives a vibration amplitude in approximately 123G for the motor eccentric mass, with G (or g’s) being amplitude measured in terms of acceleration due to gravity, or 9.8 m/s2. When the vibration motor is applied to a 4 killogram mass consisting of the motor, the activation module and the user’s penis, a vibration amplitude of approximately 9.2G RMS (root mean square) can be expected. Testing indicates this approximates the high end of tolerable vibration amplitude to the user’s penis and is effective for tissue increase in seven to ten second vibration intervals. Similarly, the lowest vibration amplitude in a mass consisting of the motor, the activation module and the user’s penis expected to have useful effect in the invention is approximately 2.1G RMS. In the preferred embodiment, the effective vibration should have a minimum of approximately 0.69 mm peak to peak at 3600 RPM, or 3.5 g’s RMS. Also in the preferred embodiment, the effective vibration should have a maximum of approximately 1.7 mm peak to peak at 3600 RPM, or 8.7 g’s RMS for short intervals of approximately ten seconds. A best mode effective amplitude in the preferred embodiment is 1.2 mm peak to peak at 3600 RPM, or 6.1 g’s RMS for vibration intervals. Different vibration amplitude and fre quency settings can be used to achieve similar effects."
Now, I’m not sure how specific this vibration really needs to be. It could just need to be "intense enough" (i.e., a really strong vibrator), or it may be the case that the intensity needs to be within some specific range (i.e., not too weak, but also not too strong). I’m also unsure how important the vibration frequency is.
In any case, it’d be great to find a way to replicate the intensity and frequency the device is using, since it is reasonable to assume they’re using this specific intensity/frequency for a reason, given the apparent detail they put into the design and build of the machine, as well as the amount of detail specified in the patent, and the fact that this specificity is based on a published study.
Anyone with an engineering background care to decipher the NIH study above and translate that into a practical way to apply an approximation of that force to say a traditional vacuum pump cylinder?
I’ve been experimenting with attaching a Hitachi wand and various percussion massagers to cylinders while pumping, and the results have been both pleasurable and resulted in good expansion. However, I have no idea if I’m anywhere near the intensity or the frequency this contraption is using, or if it even matters. Regardless, I think it’d be worthwhile for us to try to figure it out.