Petechia (broken capillaries)
Dear all,
I can not avoid to have broken capillaries on the top of my shaft even following all your advices. Ok, the petechia disapear after a day and then I can continue to pump the next day but I am affraid about the long term effects of this petechia…..????
Current routine:
Lube used ( a kind of vaselin)
Before and during breaks my pump is heated with oht water.
Hot wrap 5 min.
100 jelks
15 pumping (2->5hg pressure ramping up)
Hot wrap 3-5 min.
30 jelks
15 pumping (3->6hg pressure ramping up)
Hot wrap 5 min.
Velcro wrap…..ball + penis for one hour.
I will buy an IR lamp.
Do you have some additional advices….
Thank you Daniel