Thunder's Place

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pump pressure

pump pressure

I bought a pretty nice trigger type pump back awhile ago that I like
but it has no pressure gauge. Using the No Pain No Gain borrowed
from my wieght lifting, everytime I pumped I tried to move up alittle higher
on the pump. The last couple of times I started getting what I guess are little blisters so I stopped for a week to let them heal and only did light stretches for 20 min a day. Now Im ready to start the pump/jelg again.
How can I tell were I should be at on the tub if say Im around 6 5/8
EPB, I was taking it up to 7 1/4 which was all I could stand. I know this was the wrong way so I hope the Vets out there can help me out with this. I remember Supersizeit saying he just went by feel, I would really like to find more from him.

My girth routine are:

100 jelg
7-10 pump
100 jelg
7-10 pump
100 jelg

no pumping day

100 jelg
2-3 sqeezes @ 30 sec
100 jelg
2-3 sqeezes @ 30 sec
100 jelg

length ex

20 min stretches all different angles (working on the septum)


“No pain, no gain” doesn’t apply to your penis which contains no muscles, only tissue called “smooth muscle” which is not muscle at all in the sense that abs or lats are.

You should feel some comfortable strain, but no pain. If you cross the pain threshold, you can expect blisters or tissue distortion. The way to read your dick is to sense whether the feeling is by and large pleasureable or uncomfortable. If uncomfortable, your pressure is too high.




The bad thing is, I know that and its starting to sink in now.

I was also taking the pressure up fast. Basically I
was jelging 100 rep to get semi hard then stick it in and get pumpimg
til I got to 7 1/4, seem pretty dumb now I think, maybe someone else will
learn from this. What do you think about the rest of the routine?
Always looking for advice on how to iimprove my overall routine.
I’ve been PE ing about a yr and a half now, My first goal is to get
7 BP and over 5 EG, right now about 6 5/8 and 4 7/8 EG (started
at 6 1/4 and 4.5).

Thanks again!

Re: Cool

Originally posted by getpump
The bad thing is, I know that and its starting to sink in now.

I was also taking the pressure up fast. Basically I
was jelging 100 rep to get semi hard then stick it in and get pumpimg
til I got to 7 1/4.

Think about how an erection occurs naturally. It’s a very rare guy who gets hard in 6.239 seconds because our arterial delivery systems aren’t designed to work that fast. Why stress them so?

Pump up a little more slowly; go a little more gradually from semi-hard to hard as you increase the vacuum. Find a comfortable level where you do feel some lig stretch happening and “float” around at that level. If you appear hard in your tube, you are hard. You have to trust what you see and be always sensitive to how that feels. No pain brings much faster gains, imo. Hey, you already lost a whole week of work because you got blisters in your enthusiasm.



Thats True

Thats true avocet8, what do you think about the rest of my

routine? I av 5 day on the girth and 6 day on the stretches

(stretches in the Am and Girth in the PM). Should I increase anything? I know everyone is alittle different just dont want to rewrite the book,

if someone has done a simular routine with good results I’d like to know

so I know Im on the right track.

The other guys can talk to you about specific routines. I’ve changed mine so many times over the years that the only thing I am sure works for me is alternating pumping and jelking in the same session, in almost any combination of strokes or pump time so long as the jelk strokes are sufficient in number to create girth and length stretch and the pump sessions are relatively short, 6 - 8 minutes.

But that’s for me. We are all chemically different with different tissue tolerances.



I think your absolutely right avocet. Im still waiting on my pump I ordered from IM going to use the routine you do everyday avocet with short pump sessions, jelq’s and hot wraps before and after till I get a bout 3 good sessions per day. Pumping really works the cock more than anything else ive ever done. I think its the key to good enlargement along with some good jelqs and heat. I was thinking about doing about 2 of my sessions in the bath tube with the none trigger pump thats made for water. Ive been doing some more jelqs and ive gained a little length and even more girth so I had to get the bigger cylinder cause i think a 2 inch wouldnt last long if even work.

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

At 6.5 girth you’re not going to be happy with a 2” cylinder unless you are doing two-stage pumping, e.g., start with the smaller one then move to a larger one. Peforeal likes this technique a lot.

I no longer do heat wraps before and after, but then I’m semi-retired. :-) But, I do think heat was a definite influence when I was working for gains and employing more of it.

PS: Be careful of getting water blisters on your glans when doing water pumping. The water tends to soften the skin such that you can’t handle pressures you could easily do in “dry” pumping.




With your present erect girth at 6.5”, it’s a good move on your part to order a cylinder larger than 2” diameter. As avocet8 mentioned, I like to start off my pumping briefly in my 2” cylinder and then I move on to my 2.5” diameter cylinder (I don’t own a 2.25” one). I have a tree-trunk shape to my dick, so I’m much larger girthwise at the base than on the upper half of my shaft.

Heed the caution about warm water pumping too. The only time I subjected myself to a few occasions of water blisters on the glans area was when I water pumped. I didn’t realize how much more soft and tender the skin tissues would become and how much more susceptible I would be to the water blister effect. There was no permanent damage, but it was a discomfort I could do without.


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