Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

pumping and base girth



Thanks for the congrats on my gains. I’m happy to be able to say I have made these gains and pretty sure will continue to see more as time passes.
I think you are right about the two tube sizes and I’m looking at the Velseal tubes at Pumptoys or LA pump since I already have one and know they are well made. I will get a 2” soon as I surely don’t want to get a blister on the ole head from the 1 3/4”!.

It’s interesting that they just used your post on the Powerjelk site like that. I don’t know what to make of that but I guess as you say It’s a harmless thing I suppose…oh well.

Yes, I think I will just make another powerjelker for myself and save some bucks. I just thought the real thing might have something mine don’t but mine has always worked just fine and probably as good as the other version.
I’ll just beef up the scale some.

Thanks for your comments and encouragement!


Hello guys,

I also have the same problem with pumping, some part of my scrotum is being pulled inside the cylinder when creating the vacuum.
It fills up the bottom part of the cylinder and I don’t think my base is getting much workout there like that.
I tried everything; lubing and not lubing, I hold my scrotum back when inserting the cylinder and when creating the vacuum and now tried those rubber bands made of bicycle tire too but seems like there is no force great enough to prevent this from happening once the vacuum is on.

So I was thinking of maybe buying a cylinder for combined penis and testicle pumping. Perhaps then there is enough room for both and for my base to expand?
I don’t really fancy the idea of pumping my balls but if that is the only way I can get pressure for my base, then so be it. In a pumping exercise anyway.

Any ideas you guys can share for my dilemma? Is the combined penis/testicle pumping the way to go or what should I do?
I am thinking of trying out clamping too though.

Thank you!

Oh and also, would the contour-shaped cylinder (made by boston pumps), be better for avoiding the scrotum being pulled inside?

Any experiences on this?

You might try a cylinder that is smaller in diameter.

Another technique is to have 3 cylinders:
start with smallest and pump for awhile;
then move to the larger cylinder and pump for awhile;
then move to the largest cylinder and pump for awhile.

No need for expensive cylinders - shop eBay and AliExpress for affordable cylinders.

Originally Posted by Mike1958
You might try a cylinder that is smaller in diameter.

Another technique is to have 3 cylinders:
Start with smallest and pump for awhile;
Then move to the larger cylinder and pump for awhile;
Then move to the largest cylinder and pump for awhile.

No need for expensive cylinders - shop eBay and AliExpress for affordable cylinders.

Well I have 2 cylinders (2” and 2.25”) and they both do the same. I chose the cylinder sizes based on my base circumference and according to the guide in bostonpump website. So they should be correct, id imagine going smaller than the 2” would not fit anymore.
Its not a lot of the scrotum skin that is going inside but still some and I can’t stop it from happening.

I found that using a gentle penis ring really helped me in this area as it keeps the scrotum skin under the ring loose and the skin inside the cylinder taught.

I say gentle because you want to find a material that expands enough with your shift during pumping but doesn’t pinch or aggravate your already irritated skin. I would recommend silicone but just be smart and buy a pack as they are prone to snapping or breaking with regular use.

Originally Posted by GetaGrip3212
I found that using a gentle penis ring really helped me in this area as it keeps the scrotum skin under the ring loose and the skin inside the cylinder taught.

I say gentle because you want to find a material that expands enough with your shift during pumping but doesn’t pinch or aggravate your already irritated skin. I would recommend silicone but just be smart and buy a pack as they are prone to snapping or breaking with regular use.

Ok I’m gonna try this!
Thank you both!


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