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Pumping confusion

Pumping confusion

Hello guyes,

I’m new to pumping and do it to cure my soft ED as describen in one thread from Avocet8. I started just yesterday and I have some confusion of the usage. Maybe you will wonder that I have these questions, but it’s something new for me and I wonder if it works correctly:

1) if I pump, my penis erects inside of the pump, but once I release the pressure and take it out, it goes immediately to flaccid - is that OK?

2) when I reach the desired pressure of 3-4HG, should I just leave it for necessery time (in my case 4 minutes), or should I do something more (like release the pressure and pump again.)?

3) which erection level should I be, when I enter the pump?

4) I do 4 sets of 4 minutes - which breaks should I take between them?

5) should I heat between each set?

Well, some of these questions are maybe stupid, but I better ask. Thanks for your help

Originally Posted by beginner17217
Hello guyes,
I’m new to pumping and do it to cure my soft ED as describen in one thread from Avocet8. I started just yesterday and I have some confusion of the usage. Maybe you will wonder that I have these questions, but it’s something new for me and I wonder if it works correctly:
1) if I pump, my penis erects inside of the pump, but once I release the pressure and take it out, it goes immediately to flaccid - is that OK?
2) when I reach the desired pressure of 3-4HG, should I just leave it for necessery time (in my case 4 minutes), or should I do something more (like release the pressure and pump again.)?
3) which erection level should I be, when I enter the pump?
4) I do 4 sets of 4 minutes - which breaks should I take between them?
5) should I heat between each set?
Well, some of these questions are maybe stupid, but I better ask. Thanks for your help

Hello beginner! I hope you’re doing fine, and hope you’ll cure your soft ED in no time! I’m no pumping vet, but I’ll try to clear your doubts.

1 - that’s absolutely OK. When you enter the tube your penis is erect, but that doesn’t necessarily means that it will be erect when you take it out. Watching some porn might help on this, if you want to keep the erection while in the tube.

2 - I normally do nothing more than just wait for the end of the set and then release the pressure, take my penis out of the cylinder, jelq, and pump again.

3 - Some guys say it’s better to enter flacid, some say the opposite. I normally enter the tube with the maximum erection I can get.

4 - 50-100 light jelq strokes between the sets. That should make 5 minutes between each set.

5 - I don’t find it necessary. Oh, and some guys just use a heatpad around the cylinder while they pump, they say it’s for a better expansion.

Feel free to ask anything! We’re here to help each other! That’s why we’re a community!

Big hug, and good pumping!


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