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Pumping discoloration

Pumping discoloration

I have been pumping for over a week now and I just started doing one 15 min session per day. During the first week I did one 10 min session per day. I averaged around 3Hg per session and I have only went up to 5Hg once. After my very first pumping session I developed a red spot on my shaft which you can see in the link below. The redness usually fades the next day but it is still visible. I continued pumping and I have noticed that the redness comes back after each pumping session. Today I had to stop a little early because I felt a little pain in the area where the red spot formed. I don’t want to continue pumping until I find out what this is and I was hoping someone here could shed some light on this for me. In the link below you can see how the spot becomes more red after I pump.

It looks like you do not wash after pumping. Wash all the lube off your penis after each pump cession.

Ok what it looks like is a zit or pimple that occurs when you do not wash the lube off after a pump cession and when you pump again with the clogged pure it builds up pressure and gets infected.

Let it heal before pumping again and wash after every pump cession

Started 6.5 got up to 8 by pumping alone.

Love giving girls squirting orgasms by G-Spot Stimulation and or Clitoral Stimulation.

That is the bottom line because Stone Cold says so.


This does not look like a zit, but a bruise. Stop pumping for a while and give yourself some time to heal up! Do a search for “red spot” and you will see that this is very common. You were definitely overdoing it if you bruised your first time out, so alter your routine, and give your unit some time to get used to the pumping.


Nice advice, but I think you’re off the mark here: did you even look at sabitu’s pic’s?


Yes I did look at his pictures and I had the same thing one time and that is how I know what it was.

On the other hand it doesn’t look like a bruise to me. I had both and it looks more like a swollen infected pore rather than a bruise

Started 6.5 got up to 8 by pumping alone.

Love giving girls squirting orgasms by G-Spot Stimulation and or Clitoral Stimulation.

That is the bottom line because Stone Cold says so.

That looks very odd to me. Since you are only a week in, it wouldn’t hurt to stop altogether until that blotch goes away and then start again real slowly.

When you start again, make sure you start with a hot wrap and then enter the cylinder erect and pump up slowly. Since you seem very sensitive to the process, just go for 5 minutes at only 3”hg and slowly build up your tolerance to the process. Take a week or two to build your endurance and perhaps that area will strengthen and not give you any further trouble.

Looks like I am going to be taking some time off from pumping. I am definitely going to spend more time warming up with a hot wrap when I start back up. I will take your advice gprent and take it slow at first. I will probably start off by going for 5 minutes at 1.5 to 2hg. This red spot appeared my first time pumping and I maxed out at 2.5hg which isn’t very much. I am going to have to ease back into this slowly to keep this red spot from coming back. Nelson, I don’t think that it is a pimple since this red spot appeared immediately after I pulled out of the cylinder, plus I do wash off the lube after pumping. I’m leaning towards it being a bruise, but who knows.

Last edited by sabitu : 05-16-2006 at .

I think I may have misled you when I said pimple or zit. The red spots are clogged pores that is clogged with lub and builds up pressure when pumping. And gets infected and turns red.

A bruise is just a discoloration of the skin. Either red, blue, or black.

The reason I say you have an infected pore is because the red spot on your penis looks raised a little not flat like a bruise.

If the red spot is raised a little. It indicates an infected pore not a bruise.

Started 6.5 got up to 8 by pumping alone.

Love giving girls squirting orgasms by G-Spot Stimulation and or Clitoral Stimulation.

That is the bottom line because Stone Cold says so.

I think you may be right, it tends to look a little swollen when I pull out of the pump. Even now I can see that it is slightly raised. Good call Nelson. This red spot tends to fade quickly, so I should be good to go by the end of the week.

The discoloration is normal and once you let it heal, the red spots should be gone!

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