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pumping and discoloration

pumping and discoloration

I had read somewhere that you pumping may cause some darkening of the shaft. They said just to massage and it will go away when new blood gets in there. My question is this, will pumping cause long term discoloration. Currently I have experienced alot of this from jelqing and sqeezing. I was thinking of taking up pumping as a last option, maybe it should have been my first. Should I wait until my dicoloration is pretty much gone away, if it does, or would pumping help it go away?

hey lar,
I also have a bit of discolouration going on down there from all my harsh treatment of the little thing, and I can really imagine pumping helping to remove discolouration, not just doing it whenever, but doing it right after a pe routine to ‘spread’ the mal placed blood around…

the reason I have patchy discolouration is because there is always regular red dot sites that slowly build up and darken.

I think if I could spread them out that although it would still be slightly discoloured, that it would be more even in distribution and therefore much less noticeable.

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