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Pumping to reduce discoloration


Pumping to reduce discoloration

So after lurking here for a little while I finally decided I needed to address a topic that doesn’t seem to have been thoroughly discussed. I’ve been doing PE for over 8 years now on and off and have learned alot and have made my gains but I have been left with really bad discoloration. Most of the gains in length that I have made have been from hanging. I first used the captin wench and then got a bib hanger. Both did a really good job but when It was all said and done I was left with the notorious “ring” around my cock. I will say that I hit it hard and went big, hanging up to 30lbs at one point in time. Knowing that I was getting discolored, I decided to stay the course and deal with it when I had achieved my goals and cemented my gains. I can happily say that I ended my regimen over six months ago and don’t think I’ve lost any length at all. But in the same light I will add that unlike things that I have read, my discoloration did not go away!

I’ve searched through this forum, MOS and the bib site looking for ways to get rid of this shit! I feel that I’ve attempted almost every acknowledged procedure but am still looking down and at this big ugly dark ring around my cock! So first I attempted Bib’s wrapping for discoloration, and I can’t say that did much. Kojic acid soap, tore up my cock and don’t recommend it. Hydroquinone 2%, didnt do shit. Finally got into the chemical peals which is probably the only thing that showed results and I need to do more of them, but don’t want my cock to be out of commission at the moment. One thing to note about doing peels is that I tried it once with Compound W and once with Mosco callus and corn remover. Both are 17% Salicylic Acid, but the Mosco is way better, didnt sting as much and seemed to be a more thorough burn.

Reguardless I feel I still have a ways to go to ridding myself of this affliction. I finally have a big dick and I don’t want to show it to anyone because of this damn discoloration! The one thing that caught my attention while reading through all of these treads looking for info was that a couple of people mentioned that they had gotten rid of their discoloration simply via pumping with a low vacuum. With what I understand about the scenario being that it’s blood trapped in the skin, pumping would open up the cells and allow lymph fluid to clean it out? This seems to be the the theory behind Bibs wrapping to remove discoloration but better?

Well I’ve gotten a pump and I’m ready to document this for PE prosperity. I’ve never pumped before so this is going to be a learning process in and of itself. All in all I don’t really care if I gain anything out of pumping, which seems to be quite the debate, just want a normal looking dick again! Any input would be great from anyone who has anything to add to this. I am attempting to get a pre pumping photo for documentation. Also in closing, being that I’ve lurked and learned I want to give props to everyone here and all that they have contributed. THanks and wish me luck!

I think it was either gprent or peforeal in the pumping forum that had some success with that. Although, I kinda’ doubt it was with as deep a discoloration that you have, but pm them or do a search in the pumpers forum and see what you can dig up.

Overall the concept is like 3 in hg for about 60 minutes, 3 times a week, if I remember correctly.

Hmm, well might take me a bit to work up to that being that I’m following the routine in the pumping 101 thread. But I do feel that I’m probably pretty conditioned to move faster through it. Thanks for the input

I have had some discoloration from clamping and it has gotten bad at times. Some times the pump causes some spotting if I go too high, but many times it comes out pink. I have a pretty uniform discoloration and I am darker skinned as well as I fake tan nude, so it is not that big of deal to me.

I am curious, has any ever combed out a hickey? The comb spreads the blood round so it can be reabsorbed. Same concept.

BTW, my wife is getting a prescription to fade a deep view that was laser-ed. I will let you know what the script is and let you know if it works or not.

Whats your discoloration like? Is it just that your whole dick is darker? Mine is the typical ring around the circ scar, about an inch long, from hanging. With the pump do notice a darkening of the whole thing, which infact makes it look better but at this point isnt resovling the issue. If anything I need to get used to it before I could do the hour at 3hg which is the questionable solution

What kind of discolouration are you on about? Is your dick just darker? Cos darker penis is a ‘secondary sexual characteristic’. Its normal that a guys penis is darker than his normal skin. I think its because normal skin doesn’t need to change size whereas the skin on the penis stretches over itself when you get an erection so its sorta compressed when its flaccid. I’ve always been a lot darker down there than elsewhere, never really caused me any problems, in fact its got me a couple of compliments! Google for ‘male secondary sexual characteristics’


Next time you post a long message , Can you break it up into paragraphs, separated by a line space. Also space sentences out a bit, as it makes it easier for those who first language isn’t English. (Also for us whose first language in English).


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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Sorry about that. Didn’t think anyone would have a hard time reading this, but duly noted.

My discoloration is the typical dark ring from hanging. About an inch in length from the circ scar towards the base. I’ve seen many pictures just like it and has been a bitch to get rid of. I think girth exercises have made the rest of my dick darker making it blend in more if anything. I feel like pumping might be helping but a little to early to tell.
Something else I’ve started trying is to incorporate Bib’s “wrapping for discoloration” method with pumping. The theory behind his method is to let the lymph fluid clean out the trapped blood, so what better way to create more lymph fluid then with Pumping.
So I’ve started doing really light pumping with my penis wrapped in the proper way. I’m not exceeding 3-4gh and I’m not wrapping very tight. It does seem to be creating a lymph fluid build up necessary but not creating a donut effect as of yet.
Ill keep ya posted

You may want to try the skin lightening creams that black women use to remove marks from their faces. It works very well but is gentle because it’s meant to be used on your face.

Does your thang hang low? Does it wobble to the flo? Can you tie it in a knot? Can you tie it in a bow? Can you throw it over your shoulder, like a 50lb boulder Does your thang, hang, low?


Originally Posted by Thanghanglow
You may want to try the skin lightening creams that black women use to remove marks from their faces. It works very well but is gentle because it’s meant to be used on your face.

Can someone tell me more about these skin lightening creams?

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

And can someone clarify how bad is bad.

Originally Posted by Clubber
Can someone tell me more about these skin lightening creams?

Just a little reminder about the skin lightening cream.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Need to look into this for me.

Originally Posted by Clubber

Just a little reminder about the skin lightening cream.

Need to look into this for me.

Originally Posted by Clubber

Just a little reminder about the skin lightening cream.

Skin lightening creams usual contain mild acid, which burns away the top layer . It might be worth trying lime juice. This is a citiric acid used in skin creams, but the other chemicals in lime juice seem to smooth the skin afterwards.

If you try it. always do a test area - where it can’t be seen - before using it daily or twice a day.

I did try some skin lightening ream - Can’t remember the name but it left a piebald effect.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

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