Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pumping experiment - will report results here


Pumping experiment - will report results here

Hi All,

People seem very divided on the results of pumping. I will therefore conduct an experiment to try and ascertain the efficacy of pumping.

AIM: To ascertain whether girth gains achieved through pumping are “real” gains.

METHOD: I currently hang 5 days per week for length and base girth and I will add a pumping routine and measure and report girth weekly. I will then stop pumping for a week and report girth again.

BACKGROUND: I have been PEing for 3.5 months now. I started with a light shower routine of Uli#3s and after a month I added some manual stretching. A month ago I started hanging, building up to 20 mins at 2.75lbs about 5 days per week. I have had some reasonable gains in length and modest gains in girth to date but I consider that I have now had the “easy” gains from improved EQ.


My starting stats were 6.75” BPEL and 4.9”MEG.

I only started measuring BPFSL when I started hanging but I have added 0.5” since I started hanging. I have just discovered that my BPFSL changes when I measure sitting compared to standing by about .5”, so I will use the (smaller) standing measurement, which is 6.9”.

My most reliable BPEL is 7.0” when at 99% erection but can make it to 7.2” if I am at 100% and I allow the plastic ruler to bend slightly to follow my curve. This is a sitting measurement. I expect that it will be lower if stand but I will keep it consistent for the trial.

I have noticed that my girth varies a lot. I measure often because I am trying to learn what impacts it, rather than expecting daily growth. At this stage my most reliable MEG measurement is 5.1”. Occasionally after I have been hanging and am at 100% erection it is only 5.0”. After an extended edging session it can be 5.2”. I’m going to say that I am currently 5.1” +/- 0.1”.

I understand that hanging will have an impact on my length results so on a purely scientific basis my experiment is total garbage. My tube is 3” wide with a rubber donut at the base so I still think that I should see some girth gains if pumping is going to work for me.


I will post results weekly, but starting results from pumping are that after building to 15 minutes at 5Hg, I measure 16cm in the tube and today I came out at 5.5” MEG. I measured again an hour later after an edging session and measured 5.2” MEG. The gains disappeared very quickly.

Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

They will soon become permanent gains. Make sure you use constant heat.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Moved to Penis Pumps.

You are pumping your testicles too?
3" tube looks a bit too much for your stats. Is it elliptical cylinder?

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Hi Useless,

Can you change your handle? I hate referring to you like that. Could I suggest AwesomeGuy or even GettingBigger? Actually since you have been so helpful to me on these forums, how about HelpfulGuy?

Anyway, yes the tube is wide but it has a rubber donut in the bottom. The hole is tight on me with MEG 5.1”. I chose that model pump because I have an upward curve and I thought it best to have room to accommodate that going in fully erect. Turns out that probably wasn’t a good reason but that was my rationale at the time.

I have no intention of pumping my testicles. No idea why that would be a good idea.

I am pumping at 5Hg and all works well at first but I am finding that since I try and keep everything hot as per Titleist’s advice, the rubber does expand and start to leak when I apply too much heat.

Live and learn!

Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

Originally Posted by timeoutfortony
Anyway, yes the tube is wide but it has a rubber donut in the bottom.

Way before my registration here, I mess around a little bit with the air pumps that are sold here. Every pump found here comes with that “rubber donut”… and hate it.

Been pumping without the rubber donut, with correct cylinder size and along with a light routine, I’m gaining.

Are you sure that measuring weekly is the best approach?
I see weekly measurement for those that PE aggressively and with a very advanced approach.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by Useless
Way before my registration here, I mess around a little bit with the air pumps that are sold here. Every pump found here comes with that “rubber donut”.. And hate it.

I am pumping for girth so I thought that the wide tube would be OK? What is the reason you think that you are gaining now with a correctly sized tube and not the donut? I certainly come out of the tube a bit girthier so it seems to be doing the job. I don’t want to waste my time so any insights would be welcome.

Originally Posted by Useless
Are you sure that measuring weekly is the best approach?
I see weekly measurement for those that PE aggressively and with a very advanced approach.

I am pumping for 15-20 mins at 5Hg morning and night when I get the chance.. So probably 4 or 5 days per week. Perhaps this is not enough to see weekly gains but hopefully after a month I will see something?

The weekly reports are most to check in and report on EQ etc.

I understand that there is a huge amount of collected wisdom on this site and when it comes to things like ADSs or hanging, it is very empirical. 1” growth per 1,000 hours for ADS or weight x time for hanging.

There is a lot less empirical data around pumping and a lot of nay-sayers. I have pretty much concluded that a large percentage of the nay-sayers have never dedicated themselves to a consistent pumping routine at safe pressures. I also hypothesize that pumping works for some and not others.

Anyway, this is my attempt to add a little empirical evidence to the collected wisdom.

Also, my EQ is erratic.. Capable of being rock hard but often not. Even if I get more consistent EQ then that would be a win in my mind.

Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

Result for week 1:

I have been pumping once or twice every day since I started. Initially I was pumping for 20 minutes at 5Hg with an occasional spike to 7 or 8Hg. I had no spots or red dots but noticed that my EQ dropped and I couldn’t get hard after pumping. After day 3 I dropped back to 9 or 10 minute sessions at 5Hg with no spikes. EQ straight after the sessions was better. I could edge to 100% but only with good porn and physical stimulation. Lesson: When Titleist speaks - Listen!

I haven’t hung now for 3 days and no PE for me today. I have had sex 3 or 4 times in the last 36 hours and EQ has been really mixed. Seems to be the way with me.

I had hard time getting hard for the measurements but eventually got to 90%. Net result is no change in erect length or girth. Flaccid stretch was 0.1” longer but that could be in the realm of daily variation and/or measurement error. My skin is looser on my shaft and my foreskin is longer. Flaccid hang may be slightly heavier but certainly not longer. I am probably looking a bit more vascular when I get hard.

Despite the fact that I didn’t measure any change today, I feel that when I get a good erection I feel a bit girthier in my hand. Might be wishful thinking. I am getting worried about EQ, which is probably not helping. I can get very hard while edging but only with good porn and constant stimulation. I will keep up the pumping regime and increase kegels from 50/day to 100/day and I will report again in week.

Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

Results for week 2:

My EQ had been slowly getting worse. I have been tired and have some worries but I think the hanging is not helping so I stopped in the middle of the week. I will not hang again for the next 2 weeks.

I have been pumping once or twice per day most days. I have dropped back the pressure to and average of 4 Hg - never over 5, no spiking. I have increased the time to 15-20 mins per session.

The last couple of days I have been sleeping better and EQ has improved. Too many variables to say whether it is the change in routine or lifestyle improvements. I’ll say a bit of both.

I had good wood this morning and measured a gain, so I am happy with that. MEG was 5.25” and BPEL was 7.125” standing with an EQ of around 95%. There has been inconsistency with measuring BPEL as I started out measuring while seated and penis angle would have been greater than 90 degrees. From here in all measurements will be done properly i.e. standing with penis straight out.

Summary of results:

2 weeks ago BPEL was 7.0” and MEG was 5.1”.
Today BPEL was 7.1” and MEG was 5.25”.


Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

Three weeks into this. Had a very bad week personally so EQ is down. Measurement is taken at about 90-95% erect.

Starting BPEL: 7.0”, now 7.0”
Starting MEG: 5.1”, now 5.2”
Starting BPFSL: 6.9”, now 7.0”
Starting NBPEL: 6.3”, now 6.3”

I have finally found a routine that works for me now, which consists of 3 sessions at 4Hg building to 5HG for 5 mins with 2 mins jelqing between each 5 min session. Constant heat with a rice sock. Post-session EQ is much better with this routine. I am also going to add some rest days to the routine. 2 on, 1 off for now.

From my sig you will note that it says BPEL is 7.2”. This measurement was taken sitting down. I’m now measuring the correct way as per the forum guidelines so that is why I am reporting only 7.0” BPEL. I don’t think that I have lost anything but I certainly haven’t gained length for a while now.

Girth is slightly lower than last week but measurements above 5.1” are coming in more consistently now. I think that I am moving in the right direction.

Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

No PE for the last 3 days. Stats as follows:

EQ is very good the last couple of days, measurements at 100% erection:

Starting BPEL: 7.0”, now 7.1”
Starting MEG: 5.1”, now 5.1”
Starting BPFSL: 6.9”, now 7.1”

Flaccid length NBP 4.5”
Flaccid Girth: 4.125”

In the last month there has been no growth above normal variation for changes in EQ.

Despite this, I have faith in the new routine as EQ is up so I will persevere and continue to report weekly.

Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

PE is a long process and it cannot be rushed. You started out way too fast trying to do 2 sessions per day, but don’t feel bad, I tried that a long time ago and found out it didn’t work. Also found out how important rest days are.

After becoming fully conditioned a routine that works very well is to work up to a 30 minute continuous session at 4”hg followed by 5 to 10 minutes of light jelqing or massage to hold you post pump erection and size. I like to put on an elastic cock ring to help me hold my post pump size while I do this.

A good schedule for this routine is to go every other day, but remember, you are going to have to build up to being able to pump for 30 minutes continuous.

In the future, the maximum I can perform this routine is 2 on 1 off, but it never hurts to go back to every other day if you ever feel like you are going overboard.

Once you are fully conditioned to this level, you can try the first 20 minutes at 4”hg and then raise to 5”hg for the final 10 minutes.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Very good advice gprent.Ive only been pumping about 3 weeks now and its very easy to over do it.I think a lot of us have learnt the hard way…..

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

Thanks gprent. As you suggest, I found that it is really easy to overdo pumping.

I’m using EQ as my guide now. I found that 2 or 3 x 5 minutes sessions at 4-5Hg interspersed with light jelqing is what works for me right now.

I am forming the opinion that there are multiple factors required for permanent gains, namely increasing the length of the ligaments, increasing the capacity of the tunica albuginea and buck fascia and increasing the smooth muscle content of the corpus cavernosum.

Medical studies have shown that smooth muscle will grow in response to stretching and I think this underpins permanent gains. I think that pumping stresses the ligaments and fascia (tunica and buck fascia); but actually fatigues the smooth muscle, which undermines the process.

I hypothesize that pumping sessions that work best incorporate stretching and jelqing to increase smooth muscle mass and don’t fatigue the smooth muscle to the point you can’t get a good erection.

It also seems to me that for the “micro tears” in the fascia and ligaments to heal in an enlarged state, they need a larger “scaffold” to hold them in place while they heal so finishing the session plump is important.

I believe that rest days are a very important component to aid this process so the smooth muscle has time to regenerate and grow; and for repair of injury (including micro tears we are creating) without undue inflammation or scarring.

Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

Last edited by timeoutfortony : 02-22-2016 at .

I started six years ago. I pumped for 20 minutes at 5 hg in the morning and again at night, 5 or 6 days a week. I did this for about 6 months with only minor gains. I then added a 45 minute session at 4 hg, once a week and my gains started to improve. I also mixed in pulse pumping and Avocet8’s pumping for ED routine.

I am now up over an inch in girth.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Hi dtw, thanks for the input. That’s a great gain. More grist for the mill!

Can you tell me how your EQ changed with your routine? Did you do the pumping for EQ routine because EQ dropped or did it start off low? Did the 45 minutes session leave you with poor EQ for a day or so?

Did you do any other exercises during this time or just pumping?

Sorry for all the questions but I am really trying to understand the underlying anatomy and physiology of a successful pumping program!

Started Oct 15: 6.75" BPEL 4.9" MEG, Currently: 7.2" BPEL 5.1" MEG Goal: 8" BPEL 5.6" MEG

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