Pumping for the long haul
I’ve been pumping on and off for 7 years or more.
Using very low suction, I’ve seen excellent results over the course of a couple weeks, or a month, but then eventually the house of cards falls apart. I just can’t keep a routine going very long before it starts to effect my erections. The one obstacle I just can’t seem to get over is recovery.
I’ve never been able to masturbate as often as other guys seem to be able to, (only once or twice a week, or else it starts to not feel as good). This has been true since before I started pumping.
I’ve never been able to exercise as frequently as other people in the gym, (only once a week or less, or I overtrain).
My father says he recovers from injury and sickness a lot slower than normal people too.
I have experimented with pumping off and on for a long time, and have yet to reach a balance that allows me to continue pumping for the long haul. I reach PE overtraining, even in what would be considered a mild and easy routine. If I just listen to my body, and go with my natural recovery rates, I can’t get the stretch often enough to make a difference : / Does anyone have any good advice to remedy the overly delicate system I’m trying to work with? Perhaps supplement recommendation?