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8 week pumping evaluation

8 week pumping evaluation

I have rather sad news to report, so far I have experienced 0 permanent gains in pumping. I started at around 18 when I first bought a pump and have been pumping off and on and not knowing anything about the subject or having a computer to look for info so I have had many “over did it” sessions…I’m 21 now and own 3 types of pumps. The first I ever bought, A standard 9” cylinder offered in the back of bodybuilding mags and featured in most erotic online stores ( I got mine from online from a Dr. Bross ) . A Maxitone 12” Cylinder from a UK developer that seems to lean more toward giving length due to the slimmer tube design that doesn’t give much room for girth expansion. Last I have a 12”x 2.5” cylinder from LA pumps…which I tend to be favoring at the moment and a silicon pump sleeve made by “Hot Shots” for a seal ( no air gets out of the pump with this thing on. ) I’m a little over 8 inches in length but I have no idea how much in girth.

My routine is pure pumping as manual exercises don’t feel right to me and I don’t find jelqing stimulating at all. My regimen over the last two months has been the strictest i’ve ever worked pumping because of my growing obsession for a bigger dick. Anyways the time tables range from about 30 min- 1hr 30min avg. I have no pressure gauge so I always try to keep the vacuum on par with my erect size to ease my mind. I do a number of pumping and releasing sessions and the other is I pump and hold under pressure as long as possible, and when I see some fluid build up I usually stop and pump later on that night after all swelling is gone and I feel no pain or start again the next day. I would usually try going the week straight through but I get these extreme urges to masturbate so that forced me into rest days. Now out of all that time I’ve had about 4 sessions where I over did it being hard headed, but remained pretty faithful to listening to my dick and stopping right away when seeing too much build up the rest of the time. Oh and any build up I would receive would always be gone by the next day.

Well my thing is if I’m experiencing minimal pain in my workouts and feeling like I’ve been getting good pulls most of the time. Shouldn’t I have something to show for it at least girth wise? Last week was the best week I probably ever had pumping, temp gains (girth) were staying into the next day (wasn’t masturbating that week) but Sunday after a workout late at night. I jerk off b4 I went to sleep and when I woke up the next day it’s like my dick never saw a pump for 8 weeks, it completely returned to it’s normal self!! Although I have been told otherwise by Avocet 8 it kind of does reestablish my personal theory in masturbating being counter productive to pumping especially during the the first couple of hours before and after pumping.

Next time I’ll try 14 days if it’s possible without much masturbation and stick to my routine or a little lighter workout and see what happens, maybe infrequent jerking off will help me out, but so far this is the pits. The visual of that big dick in the tube is the drug that keeps on bringing me back. I’ll give this all until June to really see where I’m at, then I might force myself to take up another form of PE if still no results.

Re: 8 week pumping evaluation

Originally posted by Plasticman
I'm a little over 8 inches in length but I have no idea how much in girth.


Shouldn't I have something to show for it at least girth wise? Last week was the best week I probably ever had pumping, temp gains (girth) were staying into the next day (wasn't masturbating that week) but Sunday after a workout late at night

This may be a stupid question but if you have no idea how much girth you have how would you know if you gained any?

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

Plasticman wrote: “My routine is pure pumping as manual exercises don’t feel right to me and I don’t find jelqing stimulating at all.”

I don’t think any of this work is pure fun, like sex is (no matter how you have it). I think most of this is work. There are, granted, some fun moments but most of the fun part is later, like after a workout at the gym, when you are walking out thinking, Okay, that’s over with for the day and yes, I feel good.

If you want stimulation, work on that later, I’m thinking. As boring as jelking or other manual exercises may be to you and often are to me, they do provide a growth element you will not get from pumping alone unless you happen to be a fast gainer like me and peforeal, and a few others.

Knuckle under, I’m saying. Bite the bullet and find some doable way to incorporate manual exercises into your pumping routine. If that hasn’t created a change in six months I’ll print out a copy of Pumping 101 and smack myself with it.



Since I don’t have tape measure ( I should just go and get some and not be a lazy bone :) ) This may sound funny, but I use my fingers for a width comparison. Normally my penis spreads barely passed the width of my index and middle finger; after pumping it stretches to a 1/4 up to a half inch at times pass my middle finger laterally. Yeah this is weird but I can tell if i’m gaining or gained something, plus I can feel too man ;) . Avocet, shouldn’t I feel somewhat aroused by jelqing? Isn’t that a key to the exercise working? I’m very determined more than ever to getting gains my attitude towards all this is still fairly positive so I will get something from all this because, I’ve had more hits from women ( about 20 ) in the past 10 days than I’ve ever had in my life.:D

By the way does anyone know a good way to combat ED?

No guage?

Thats a problem. Hard to be consistent with your routine if you don’t have a guage.


Score some Viagra. You can even go to the doctor and get a free sample! It works like a charm. I get nervous and with chicks, especially new ones, and it helps me get “over the hump” so to speak.

Becoming.... Godsize

I usually stop and pump later on that night after all swelling is gone and I feel no pain or start again the next day.

You should never have any pain. If you do, then you probably are over pumping, or are pumping at too high a pressure. That’s why having a guage on your pump is critical. I’m new to pumping, but I know enough not to over pump, or pump at a high pressure.


The Blind Leading The Blind

wantabigdick say you are new to pumping .Then what are you doing giving advice for.You know my theory on this subject .Throw away the pump and gauge .Stick to sucking to get your vacuum ,at least untill you get some experience as to know what your dick can handle.

Originally posted by myeight
The Blind Leading The Blind

…you say you are new to pumping .Then what are you doing giving advice for. You know my theory on this subject …

Get a grip, myeight. New or not to pumping, he has as much right to offer an opinion as you or I.



You can get all these cylinders and pumps but you can’t find a measuring tape? Please get one for your own sake as well as ours :) I found my retractable cloth type one in the crafts section in Walmart.

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Originally Posted by myeight
The Blind Leading The Blind

wantabigdick say you are new to pumping .Then what are you doing giving advice for.You know my theory on this subject .Throw away the pump and gauge .Stick to sucking to get your vacuum ,at least untill you get some experience as to know what your dick can handle.

Just because he is new to pumping, doesnt mean that he hasn’t done his research.

Originally Posted by drew1978
Just because he is new to pumping, doesnt mean that he hasn’t done his research.

Watch the dates on these threads before responding.

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