Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pumping Frequency


Originally Posted by gingerninja
I managed to get about an 1” increase in length (over say a year and a half). Once I hit the 7.5” mark in the cheap cylinder, I noticed I was getting too close to the top, so in a bid to avoid blisters, I moved up to a 9x2” Thick-wall cylinder.
The only thing is, I keep getting eczema on my member, and have to wait until it’s completely gone before I can jelq or pump again.
It’s my impression the jelqing and pumping is causing the irritation, so I have to hold off on all PE, so in the meantime any small gains I have made diminish.
It’s crap, because just as I bought the new cylinder I was on a roll, and seeing gradual increases by the week.
Eczema is crap.
I feel like a kid with a new toy who isn’t allowed to play with it.

Apologies for picking up on such an old post Gingerninja. Interesting observations and great gains, but could you please tell us about the frequency of your pump sessions (the thread topic)?

Originally Posted by Mike1958
Pumping frequency - good topic! Here are my thoughts:

Please read this thread about physiological indicators (PI):
Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

A simple guide I use is: excess edema must be gone before the next pumping session. There are ways to remove edema with heat and compression but I rely on "un-assisted" resolution of edema as the guide.

Pumping for improved erections and general penis health should be done as frequently as possible without negative PI. For example, 2 times a day, 6 sets of 5 minutes (30 minutes total) but only at 3" Hg. That type of routine produces little edema and (reportedly) healthy benefits. However, for some guys, achieving gains might not happen at such minimal vacuum.

Guys seeking size gains will generally increase the time, vacuum and frequency - sometimes until an injury - then wise up to the limitations of PE. Remember that an injury STOPS ALL activity and is worse than doing nothing. When experimenting it is best to change only 1 variable (time, vacuum, frequency) at a time so you know what caused the results.

Some examples:
2 times a day (12 hour interval), 6 sets of 5 minutes at 3" Hg;
1 time a day (24 hour interval), 7 sets of 5 minutes at 4" Hg;
1 time every other day (48 hour interval), 8 sets of 5 minutes at 5" Hg.

Lastly, your personal schedule will dictate PE frequency. Some guys have the time and others don’t. PE should not become an obsession to the exclusion of other good things in life.

So when I see a post that says "I do 45 minute set of pumping" or "work your way up to 30 minute sets" should I assume they are periodically exiting the pump for short breaks? How long are the breaks?

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I was pumping twice a day for twenty minutes at 5 hg (one session at 4 hg for 45 minutes) six days a week and gained over one inch in girth.

Do you mean 45 minutes straight or total time under vacuum?

Originally Posted by AverageJohnson
So when I see a post that says “I do 45 minute set of pumping” or “work your way up to 30 minute sets” should I assume they are periodically exiting the pump for short breaks? How long are the breaks?

Originally Posted by DIYgrower
Do you mean 45 minutes straight or total time under vacuum?

Usually time between sets is short, less than a minute. Some guys add a bit of massage or jelqs between sets which adds some time. Another variation is allow enough time between sets for the erection to dissipate.

My thoughts on pumping frequency (the original topic) are earlier in this thread: Mike1958 - Pumping Frequency

The recent questions (quoted above) are more about duration and not frequency. Confusion and lack of specific details are common, so more info is almost always required.

Originally Posted by Mike1958
Usually time between sets is short, less than a minute. Some guys add a bit of massage or jelqs between sets which adds some time. Another variation is allow enough time between sets for the erection to dissipate.

My thoughts on pumping frequency (the original topic) are earlier in this thread: Mike1958 - Pumping Frequency

The recent questions (quoted above) are more about duration and not frequency. Confusion and lack of specific details are common, so more info is almost always required.

Thank you for your reply. Another question I have is whether to enter the tube with a 100% erection or to just let the pump expand your tissues. What are your thoughts?

Originally Posted by AverageJohnson
Thank you for your reply. Another question I have is whether to enter the tube with a 100% erection or to just let the pump expand your tissues. What are your thoughts?

I’ve always practiced going in erect.! Hoping to expand the erect state of my penis.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
I’ve always practiced going in erect.! Hoping to expand the erect state of my penis.

Thanks, Titleist. That’s what I thought.
I currently go in erect, stay in for about a minute, exit to jelk, then edge and re enter. I do about 10-15 minutes of this before my erect length increases about 1.5cm. It definitely happens faster when I have the space heater blowing directly on to my pump.

Solid guidance from Titleist; I try go in erect, or as erect as possible but nonetheless, there have been times when my size has seemingly not changed a whole lot during pumping sessions. However cumulatively I have still made progress despite little evidence of notable expansion during sessions.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"


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