Originally Posted by gingerninja
I managed to get about an 1” increase in length (over say a year and a half). Once I hit the 7.5” mark in the cheap cylinder, I noticed I was getting too close to the top, so in a bid to avoid blisters, I moved up to a 9x2” Thick-wall cylinder.
The only thing is, I keep getting eczema on my member, and have to wait until it’s completely gone before I can jelq or pump again.
It’s my impression the jelqing and pumping is causing the irritation, so I have to hold off on all PE, so in the meantime any small gains I have made diminish.
It’s crap, because just as I bought the new cylinder I was on a roll, and seeing gradual increases by the week.
Eczema is crap.
I feel like a kid with a new toy who isn’t allowed to play with it.
Apologies for picking up on such an old post Gingerninja. Interesting observations and great gains, but could you please tell us about the frequency of your pump sessions (the thread topic)?