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Pumping gains question

Pumping gains question

Hey Pumpers - I more of a hanging clamper kind of guy, but do have a home made pump and use it once in while. However, yesteday, I took out the pump and really pushed it further then I have before. I don’t have a gauge, so not sure my exact pressure, but it I pretty much maxed it out with my mouth. I did 3 5-7 min sets with periodic kegels. I also do this thing where I will tug on the tube, just enough to create more pull, but not so much that break the seal. Almost mimicking a slow masturbation motion.

When I was done, I clamped for 3, 5 min sets.

I usually run 5.5 to 5.75 in girth. When I completed, I was a solid 6” girth.

What amazed me is that it stuck.. For like 5 hours. Periodically, I would sneak away, get an erection and measure it was 6. Thats never happened. To me. Is that normal? Is there any correlation between post pump gains and potential perminant gains? Last night, my dick was almost exactly they way I would like it another 1/2 inch and these post pump gains and Id be a true 8x6.

Anyway, any comments are appreciated.

I reckon providing you keep training right there’s a delay of 6 months to a year if you’re lucky !

Thanks capernicus - Is it common for temp gains to linger that long? If so, how often can I pump? I’ve pumped maybe 10-15 times in the last 2 years, but I hang, clamp and jelq regularly so I’m well conditioned.

My temporary gains usually last about 6 hours.

As for how often you can pump that’s up to you and how well you react to it, phase it in slowly like any other method and see how it goes.

I pump daily for 20 minutes at 5 hg. This morning I added a tight cock ring to my routine and achieved an additional 3/4 inch in temporary girth. I have ED so I was unable to achieve a subsequent erection, but I would say my flaccid remained engorged for an additional four hours.

I have been pumping for over 2.5 years and I have increased my “perminant” girth by about 1/2 inch. It took about 6 months before I started to achieve noticeable gains.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Thanks for the help guys. I’m gonna work this into my routine. That was a kick ass cock I had last night :)

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