Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pumping Pressure


Originally Posted by gprent

I always go in at close to or at 100%. For me that is by far the best way. ..

Do you stay hard for the whole pumping session?

Originally Posted by marinera
Do you stay hard for the whole pumping session?

Yes, absolutely. I should add my routine involves watching the hottest porn I can find. :)

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.


Originally Posted by gprent
Yes, absolutely. I should add my routine involves watching the hottest porn I can find. :)

Now that’s just torture. Have a hard dick and you can’t get to it!

Originally Posted by gprent

Successful pumping is a combination of both time and pressure and the best results come from lower pressure and pumping for a long time. That is why a maximum of 5”hg is recommended, because then you can pump for 30 minutes and more at a time, without injury. If you try pumping for 30 minutes at 7.5”hg, you will sustain trauma and that is counter productive.

Gprent you’re absolutely right when I pump at 5hg I do fine’ once I start to go into 6hg I start feeling the coming of the donut.

I have used a formula for pumping my cock for the last 5 years
The lower the pressure, the longer the duration
The higher the pressure , the shorter the duration
If I use 3 Hg, the duration is 20 minutes
If I use 5 Hg, the duration is 10 minutes\
If I use 10 Hg, the duration is 5 minutes
If I use 20 Hg, the duration is 2-3 minutes

I was using the pump every morning, but now only every second morning
My growth over this time is about 2 inches , to over 9 inches , and now I fill a 2 1/4 tube

I am converting to American numbers from my metric readings

My erections are still instant and rock hard, I use a full erection in the tube

I am not cut, but do not have a donut

Last edited by Toodle : 09-08-2016 at . Reason: spelling

Originally Posted by Toodle
I have used a formula for pumping my cock for the last 5 years
The lower the pressure, the longer the duration
The higher the pressure , the shorter the duration
If I use 3 Hg, the duration is 20 minutes
If I use 5 Hg, the duration is 10 minutes\
If I use 10 Hg, the duration is 5 minutes
If I use 20 Hg, the duration is 2-3 minutes

I was using the pump every morning, but now only every second morning
My growth over this time is about 2 inches , to over 9 inches , and now I fill a 2 1/4 tube

I am converting to American numbers from my metric readings

My erections are still instant and rock hard, I use a full erection in the tube

I am not cut, but do not have a donut

Hi Toodle,
Interesting read mate. I also tend to pump at a higher HG than most guys would recommend here.The only reason being im usually time poor.I do about 20 mins in total at 8-10HG
2 x10min sets 3 days per week.
20HG is up there but I certainly think achievable
With a lot of conditioning.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

Yes , conditioning over the years is necessary, to use the higher pressures

I developed some darkening of the foreskin (mine is a short one) early in my pumping , but I like it.

Originally Posted by Toodle
Yes , conditioning over the years is necessary, to use the higher pressures

I developed some darkening of the foreskin (mine is a short one) early in my pumping , but I like it.

I have darkening on my foreskin too. Only way to heal just waiting a few weeks ? Any medicine for eating style will change healing speed?

Originally Posted by monochrome
So my advice is 4, 5 max 5 Hg and focus on jelqing, kegels in pump, jelqing the tube and heat.

How you are jelqing while your penis in pump? Jelqing the tube means stretching under low pleasure? Pushing how many times to kegel point?


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