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Pumping question

Pumping question

OK guys you probably read my post to Bib and see what I am getting into. I am occasionally adding the whole pump jelq thing. It works pretty good when combined with the uli wrap.

Anyway, here is my problem. I want to pump without the penis hitting the sides. However at the base and the first two inches it packs pretty well and hits the sides a little in the middle and upper shaft. I want to not hit the sides at all so it grows more in girth. A while back I bought the next size up cylinder but could never use it right and here is why. It sucks in more than the penis. It starts pulling in the abdomin and testicles etc unless I keep it on really low volume. It also starts aggrevating my injury as well. So what I want to do is to be able to make the bottom narrower somehow but allow for the wider cylinder. Make sence? These damn cylinders are expensive and I don’t think they even make one that flares out like I am saying. So I am trying to think of a method like using a rubber piece or something at the bottom.

Any ideas?


Re: Pumping question

So what I want to do is to be able to make the bottom narrower somehow but allow for the wider cylinder. Make sence? These damn cylinders are expensive and I don’t think they even make one that flares out like I am saying. So I am trying to think of a method like using a rubber piece or something at the bottom.

Any ideas?

Dance [/B][/QUOTE]

1. Look at the tube seals for sale at

2. Make your own by repeatedly dipping the end of the tube in plasti-dip until you get the diameter as small as you want.


Making the end narrower

I made the mistake of buying my first tube far too big, and bought a second tube—- but after renweing interest in all things to do with PE early last year, modified the original one because it was longer.

I looked around the plumbing dept of a large hardware store and found a circular plastic transition piece which I cut the middle out of and stuck into the end of my wide tube with Araldite— 2 pack epoxy glue.

The “transition piece” is flat like a plate, with concentric circles pressed into it —-presumable for just the purpose of giving you a guide to cut it to smaller circles —-and a hole in the centre with a raised flange for attaching —-in it’s plumbing life— a (probably) 2 inch outside diameter plastic drain pipe. It would enable the transition from quite a large diameter pipe— say 6 inches— down to 2 inches

The Inside diameter of the hole was in fact a bit small, and constrict my dick locally and I need to make it bigger with a round file.

It did however stop my balls from being sucked up into the vacuum chamber.

The other idea of sucessive layers of plastic seems like a good one. Araldite would also do the trick and you could smooth it off with file and sandpaper.

Good that you’ve found ways to get back into it, Dancing One!!!

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!


How you shave (if you do) may give you a better seal on the larger cylinder. I use a larger cylinder also to allow some space for girth gain. Try shaving your balls and a margin around the base of your shaft. A little vaseline then around the rim may be enough. P9’s idea may work as well.



Well thanks guys.

Tex, did not have what I was looking for. They have the idea and along the lines of what I was thinking, but the measurements are wrong and for large cylinders. I don’t know what plasti-dip is.

P9 that is something like what I am thinking about. I don’t know how to apply layers but will keep thinking about it.

Avocet8, I do shave and the seal is not the problem. The problem is that the part above the penis, the actual body, gets pulled in. This aggrevates the injury.


Plasti-dip is the type of stuff you find on plier handles and other tools to give them grip and protect the metal. I don’t know jack about pumps, but why not try silicon or latex bathtub caulk to build up an inner arbor to fit your dick? I you can, make sure you get a little “lip” around the outside edge to prevent it from sucking in. It’s messy and tricky to use, but it is some of the toughest and most durable shit this side of urethane (as in sealant and wader repair goo). The caulk takes shape better, too. Check the local Wally World if your interested, as the caoulk comes in both gun tubes and squeeze tubes. Practice on a pipe first…it has it’s unique “learnable” characteristics at first. groa

Sounds interesting but the only thing that worries me is if I can’t get the shape right and it is rough finish as well. In other words it either digs in and irritates the penis or does not make a good seal. But all these ideas are a good starting point.

I remember seeing some cylinders that actually have a rubber type seal at the bottom and you put your penis inside a flexible material which is smaller than the outside diameter (this is hard to explain). I was always affraid that material would wear out and not provide a good seal so I stuck with the glass type. If I could fine a bottom to one of those it would work.



If your worried about the shape, just go to a craft store, buy some modeling clay, shape it, bake it, and try it. OTH, it just occurred to me…how the hell do you get your dick out of the tube once your done? Seems the potential to get trapped in a very painful and humiliating uli does indeed exist with this type of design. Might be the reason this type of pump does not exist. groa

Try some Thera and a radiator hose clamp to hold it in place. Might take some playing around to get the hole the correct diameter, but it may work. I have three thin rubber/latex tube ends with various size holes in them that I got with a cheap tube I bought many years ago. They are made out of latex that is a little thicker than the Thera and work quite well at keeping just my cock in the tube. I have never come across them since, either seperately or with a complete tube setup.

Or you could try a loose fitting cock ring and see if that would help.

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Whatever you come up with, make sure you can get out of it. It’s not quite the same, but some people pump their balls so big they either have to blow air into the tube to force them out or wait until they go down.


Photos of my I/D reduction device

Dance, It was time my 2 +1/2inch tube had a good clean, so I did that and took a few shots so that you know what I’m talking about.

I’ll post them in the members photo section. I don’t think we can post shots here.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!


Alright guys thanks for the additionally ideas. I will study on it more and let you guys know what I end up with when I find something that works. Groa and Tex thanks for the warning. Never thought about how to get it out lol. Could end up in a video for emergency room doctors about how anything goes haha.

Again thanks to all of you. P9 Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures and give the details.


OK I found something. Sorry I threw the box away so don’t have the exact name for it, but it is a rubber piece that fits inside the cylinder and then I put my penis through a smaller opening (hard to explain but it works. Even though the shaft barely hit the sides before, with it not touching the sides at all it really expands and works wonderful. It is a flexible piece that goes in and comes out. When I pull out my penis the whole thing comes out so I don’t have to worry about getting stuck.


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