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pumping question

pumping question

i’ve read thruogh just about everything here and there is one very simple question i can’t seem to find the answer to. am i wanting to pump up and leave the tube pressureized for an extended period of time, or do i want to frequently release and regain pressure over and over again. i have very little free time and i would like to use it as wisely as possible. i apologize if this info is already here, but i couldn’t find it. thanks. jqs

Hi john-q. Welcome to the forums. I guess you’ve read Pumping 101. Most guys find two or three 10 minute sessions at 4-6 inches Hg to be a “normal” routine. Pumping and releasing probably doesn’t put the right amount of stress on your dick to cause the changes which promote growth.

Please read the second line of my sig and write your posts in correct English with proper punctuation. Thanks!

Welcome aboard satan! Listen to Westla and follow the Pumping 101 instructions. I did, and have not yet had a pumping injury in the 2 months since I started. And I have definitely seen some very nice flaccid hang differences. As my grandma always said, haste makes waste…

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts


Hello, I have been pumping on and off for the last couple of months I usually pump until I feel slight discomfort and leave it on for 30 min straight, combined with jelquing this has led to about a .25 inch per week gain in length. I jelq first because I have found it is more effective then I put on the pump.


.25 per week. That sounds like youre coming up pretty quick. Ive been doing those same two exercises in no particular order. But I think I‘ll try it your way and see how it goes. Thanks for the replies everyone.

Last edited by westla90069 : 01-12-2004 at .
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