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Pumping with water

Pumping with water

I am looking for some information on pumping with water.

The Pros & Cons.

Some times I fill my Tube with Warm Water and I can pump

up a little more then usual with out getting a Donut.

Thanks for the reply

First, determine whether or not the pump you have can be damaged by water.

Although a lot of guys here pump with water, there are reports of higher frequency of penile blistering. These “water blisters” are slow to heal and very painful.



About once a week I use my pump with water. As long as I stay within 5hg, I can extend the time in the pump without any nasty blisters or spots. Like everything else I guess it’s trial and error with your tool :)


I noticed if I use hot water when I pump, the chances of getting water blisters is much higher. Luke warm water (and resisting the urge to go above 5hg) is better.

I bought a My-Tee (spelling?) hand operated vacuum from Sears and it came with an in-line fluid trap (don’t know what to call it) that will help keep water from going into the pump, but you have to be careful with it because if it tips over the water can enter the air line and go into the pump. But it does help.

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."

- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

I used to do a fair amount of water pumping. Initially, I think it had some benefit but after the novelty aspect wore off, I found it no more (or no less) effective than standard pumping. Then when you add the hassle factor of dealing with the water and taking care to keep the tube upright so no water gets sucked into the pump….well, I now only do it once in awhile just to shake things up. The feel is a little different and I think it is more comfortable when pumping at a higher pressure. Other than that, I find little difference.

I think condom pumping is more beneficial than either water or regular pumping. But going in and staying as hard as possible in the tube, IMHO, combined with an assertive but safe routine, are the best predicators for good results.

1) I would think water pumping to have one great advantage: nice, even heat. Many here believe adding heat to PE is helpful. Pumping in warm bathtub water should guarantee constant and even heat.

2) Question: Do Kaplan pumps get damaged by water?

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

>2) Question: Do Kaplan pumps get damaged by water?<

larslaukanen, I have been pumping in the bath tub for a good three months with my Kaplan pump, and I love it. I usually try to keep water from getting up to the flex tubing. Although water does get in… It is just pulled back out through the little hole. My pump still works the same as the day I purchased it.

A good ten minute soak, then the pumping begins!

The art of change Starting: 6 1/8NBP 7 1/4BPEL 5 1/8EG Current: 6 1/4NBP 7 1/2BPEL 5 1/4EG ________________________________ Thank you Thunder's Place, and the Others here who Honestly have changed many aspects of my life! I profusely apologize for not having the ability to make a monetary donation at this time;I soon will.

My experience has been that water pumping is way better than normal pumping.
I get a much better pump and no fluid donut effect at all. The major benefit, besides the heat thing, is a good even vac through out the tube. I don’t know what you guys are talking about with the fluid blisters, never experienced that myself. I’m thinking blisters of any sort would be an indication of too much - vac / heat / or time.

As far as the end results are concerned, I haven’t really experienced much difference.
It seems to be more of an aesthetic thing. Meaning that I don’t think one way is better than the other for gains, water pumping just makes your dick look (and feel) better when you’re done, and the potential for injury is less.

Last edited by RootCap : 10-14-2005 at .

So no one in this thread has noticed that water pumping gives better growth?

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

I wouldn’t say I notice any better expansion when using water. I think theres just less chance of things like donuts, over-vac etc.

I also use the kaplan, and with the 2.5” tube there is that much volume you need to pump out…it’s unavoidable getting water through the pump. But I try to make sure I don`t get any actually inside the gauge.


Started - 7.5 x 6.0

Current - 7.75 x 6.5

Clamped pics

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