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Question about pulsators or vacuum controller

Question about pulsators or vacuum controller

How loud is the Interpulse pulsator?

I was about to order one and saw a few posts that they were pretty loud - very loud actually. I can’t have a loud pulsator clanking away. I believe xaxxat has one but he doesn’t get PM’s.

I want a controller that allows me to use the pump I already have which is a used medical grade GAST pump with 1/4” lines. It’s a good pump but static pressure sucks - need a suck/release controller and would prefer one that allows me to adjust the pulsation frequency. I don’t want to spend 600 on a complete unit - that’s robbery without a gun.

Any help/suggestions?

I think you are out of luck with xaxxat. He hasn’t posted since 2007.

I don’t know of anyone else talking about this type of pump. And if you have heard that it is too loud for your household situation, I think the issue is moot.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Dang it.

Well I tried. I thought there were others that used - time for plan B.

How fast do you want the cycle and at what vacuum levels?

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