You’ve got choices.
You can buy a good 1.75 inch cylinder now, and be very happy when you outgrow it and need to move up to a 2.0 inch later.
You can buy a cheaper 1.75 inch cylinder now. The pump, gauge, tubing and male adapter are an investment that will move forward with you to the 2.0 inch cylinder when you need that, in the future. By buying a less expensive cylinder now, you’ve saved money that you can then apply toward the future tube.
You can buy a 2.0 inch cylinder now, and be very careful. You may need to pump at very low vacuum at the start of your session until you have enough base expansion to increase the vacuum slowly. Or you may want to use some sort of soft wrap (like a cloth wrap) around your testes where they meet your body to help keep them from getting drawn into the cylinder. And you’d want to be very careful about use of lubricant at the base, in that case.
Another option with the 2.0 inch cylinder would be some sort of cylinder cushion or sleeve, which will adapt the cylinder diameter down and help keep your testicle from being sucked into the cylinder.