Question For Avocet
Ok I know you have made significant pumping gains which is why I’m directing this question to you. But anyone else feel free to answer.
I know you said you gained quite a bit of length from pumping. Were you pumping in just a penis cylinder or a cock and ball cylinder. The reason I was asking is because I read that you won’t gain much length with the penis only cylinder and that it is mainly for erection strength and girth.
Since I have been pumping I have mainly been using the penis cylinder and not the ball and penis cylinder and I have gained quite a bit of girth about 1.5” in about 6 months but almost no length gains, only about 1cm. Now girth was where I was lacking but still I would like to get more length and would like to hear your experience with length and pumping. I just got a hanger to try and add to my length, but I will also continue pumping.
Sorry for the rambling. Also anyone else who has had good length gains from pumping please respond.