Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Red spots compared to pressure. Weird!


Red spots compared to pressure. Weird!

Something weird happened to me today.

I have been pumping for maybe 10 day with my new pump. I did not have a vacumreader so I had no idea how high the pressure was in the pump. When I pump I usually get some red spots on my dick. They are 1-2mm in diameter and I can get maybe 6-10 of them. They dissapere within 24 hour.

I reconstructed my pump and cylinder today and put in a vacumreader so that I could control my pressure. I started to pump and stopped at 4hg. I did not want to go to the pressure were I use to pump because I now realized that it is way to high. I guess that I have been pumping at maybe 10hg. After 10 min in the cylinder with this new low 4hg pressure, I took my dick out and I looked at it. WHAT THE FUCK. There was at least 200-300 red spots on my dick! But these spots don’t look lite the spots I have sen before. These spots are much smaller. They are as small as a red dot can be. They are all smaller then 1mm.

How does one explain this? I pump at 10hg and get a few big spots. I pump at 4hg and I get 300 small spots. I don’t get it.

The difference in dicksize in the cylinder is pretty big when you compare 10hg and 4hg. The length is pretty much the same, because I use a 2,5 inch diameter cylinder, but the girth looks much bigger at 10hg. I believe it could be almost 0,5 inch bigger. Well, I don’t know because I can’t measure it while in the cylinder, but it looks that much bigger.

I have read here on the forum that you should never get any red spots so tomorrow I will try to pump for 10 min at 3hg. Maybe I will get 500 red spots then?

I have pumped a lot in the past but I did not know at what pressure I was pumping then. I remember how it felt when I pumped a few years ago so I can now tell what pressure I was using. I pumped at 10hg for 3x20 min session almost every day for 6 month. I got absolutely no gains at all from that. I used a 2,5 cylinder that time to. I did not know about thunders then so I had no idea at what pressure to pump, how often to pump, what cylindersize to use or that red spots where bad. When I pumped for 6 month in the past, I never got any bigger in the cylinder. I was as big in the cylinder the first day I pumped as I was the last day I pumped.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

All of the spots you got at 4hg were probably the result of damage that occurred during your 10hg sessions. Perhaps at 10hg the spots would get masked as the result of lymph fluid diluting them out and making them less visible. In any case, continue with your lower pressure settings and the spots should begin to fade.

As you continue with your lower pressure pumping, you can slowly increase your time and still get the same girth you experienced at the 10hg settings. A good technique to use is pump at 4hg for 5 minutes, release the pressure almost down to zero without breaking the seal for 30 seconds and then go back up to 4hg for 5 minutes and keep repeating this cycle of pump and release. I currently go between 30 and 40 minutes using this technique, but like I said, build up your time slowly.

If you’re getting good engorgement at lower HG pressure, drop it down even a little farther. Red dots - large or small - usually indicate either too long a session in the tube or at too high pressure. Since this is a new pump, it is different (maybe more efficient) than the one you used years ago. You will just have to play around with pressures to find the right one for you.

There are some here who believe that red dots are a good thing, indicating a “good workout” or even potential future gain.

I do not hold at all to that theory. These dots are blown - exploded - capillaries, in reality each is a tiny injury to the penile vascular system. You have now a healthy unit that probably becomes erect when you want it to, or when it needs to. You probably want to stay in that condition.



Damn avocet, I turned around quick because thought you were behind me! :)

Originally Posted by gprent
All of the spots you got at 4hg were probably the result of damage that occurred during your 10hg sessions. Perhaps at 10hg the spots would get masked as the result of lymph fluid diluting them out and making them less visible. In any case, continue with your lower pressure settings and the spots should begin to fade.

As you continue with your lower pressure pumping, you can slowly increase your time and still get the same girth you experienced at the 10hg settings. A good technique to use is pump at 4hg for 5 minutes, release the pressure almost down to zero without breaking the seal for 30 seconds and then go back up to 4hg for 5 minutes and keep repeating this cycle of pump and release. I currently go between 30 and 40 minutes using this technique, but like I said, build up your time slowly.

I believe that all the spots I got yesterday can be a result of my earlier 10hg pumping. I did a very stupid thing 2 days before my 4hg session. I did a pumpingmaraton. I pumped for 7 x 15 min during the day using 10hg pressure. I had at least 60 min between every 15 min session so I got no fluidbuildup in the skin and I only got very few red spots. Maybe I did some damage deeper in my dick that day that came out during the lowpressure session 2 days later. I can’t help doing these stupid things from time to time. I think pumping is addictive. Especially when you pump at 10hg(witch I will never do again). I don’t know if you guys have tried to pump at 10hg. I feels totally amazing. It stretches the dick in every direction and feels amazing. The dick becomes superhuge in the cylinder. On my maratonpumpingday I had a 7,1x5,1 flacid and it looked amazing.

I will try to do short 5 min sessions at 4gh or less pressure in the future.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Originally Posted by avocet8
If you’re getting good engorgement at lower HG pressure, drop it down even a little farther. Red dots - large or small - usually indicate either too long a session in the tube or at too high pressure. Since this is a new pump, it is different (maybe more efficient) than the one you used years ago. You will just have to play around with pressures to find the right one for you.

There are some here who believe that red dots are a good thing, indicating a “good workout” or even potential future gain.

I do not hold at all to that theory. These dots are blown - exploded - capillaries, in reality each is a tiny injury to the penile vascular system. You have now a healthy unit that probably becomes erect when you want it to, or when it needs to. You probably want to stay in that condition.

I don’t think that red spots is a good thing because I have pumped a lot and I have always had red spots after pumping and I have never gotten any gains from pumping.

I must say that my new cylinder is very good. I bought the cheapest thing I could find. Then I bought a vacumreader at a carshop. It all cost only 30 dollars. If I pump up the pressure to 4hg, then I don’t have to suck on it at all to keep the pressure for 20 min. It had a pump attached to it in the beginning but the pump leaked like hell. I believe that a pump is no good if you want a 100% seal. A cylinder, a vacumreader, a valve and some hosing is all you need.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

I wasn’t recommending you do only 5 minute sessions. With your experience, you can easily start out at 15 minute sessions, but every 5 minutes release the pressure down to near zero for 30 seconds, but without breaking the vacuum seal. Keep repeating this 5 minute pump and release cycle for increasing sessions up to 30 or 40 minutes as you progress.

Since I know my current sessions are going to last 40 minutes or so, I am in no hurry to pump up in the beginning and I take it real slow. So my first 5 minutes I spend at only 2hg. After the 30 second release, I spend my second 5 minutes at 3hg and after that, I use the 4hg pressure. Whatever pressure I use, I always pump up slooooowly. There is absolutely no need to pump up fast.

Just so you know, I used to be new this this too and pumped totally opposite the way I pump today and with great short term results, but little long term improvement. I used to pump up fast and my typical pressures were in the 8-10hg range and I have been as high as 15hg. The point is, the high pressures are not necessary, are trauma inducing and are counter productive. Stick to low pressure for longer times and the results are not only better, they are permanent.

End all of your pump sessions with an erect massage to help lock in that pump effect.

Do you think that I should do 3x5 min pumping every day, or should I do it 1 day on 1 day off? How do you do?

In the beginning I did 3x5 min pumping with 2 min dryjelqing between every 5 min pumpingset. I really liked that. I know Peforeal did it like that and he has gained unbelievably much by pumping and dryjelqing.

I will try to do it like you do it with the pressure. 2hg the first 5 min, 3hg the second 5 min, and so on.

Do you go in erect gprent? Do you use heat before pumping?

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

I have been doing this a long time, and at this point, I like to go every day. Maybe twice a week, I will take an “off” day by pumping up using a lower pressure of 3hg max instead of 4. The secret is not high pressure, but the length of time pumping with no trauma.

Yes, I go in erect. While I am pumping I like to alternate doing kegels and milking the tube. Being able to pump at your max erection possible is what makes pumping different from other forms of PE.

My warm up is an erect massage for several minutes, but then I also preheat the tube in a warm oven before hand and while I am pumping, I wrap the tube in an electric heat pad, so I stay warm the entire time I am pumping. And like I mentioned before, I end every session with an erect massage with a cock ring on to further extend time at max size.

Today I tryed to pump with 2hg. I can’t do it. I got 100% hard and entered the cylinder. When I go in to the cylinder I loose my erection fast because I can’t stimulate my self. I will have to depend on the vacum to keep my dick big. This is how it is for me:

My dicksize i 7,7x5,5 and this is how big my dick is at different vacumpressures.

5hg 7,9xvery big girth
4hg 7,7xbig girth
3hg 7,1xlooks like my normal girth or maybe a little less
2hg 6,3xmuch smaller than my real girth

My problem is that if I pump at 3hg I can’t even reach my normal erect dicksize. Then it feels like 3hg pumping will do absolutely nothing for me. When I pumped today I still got a litte bit of redspots. But just a few. I did 3x5 min on 3hg.

I would be great if I could keep my erection in the cylinder somehow. If I clamp then I stay 110% superhard all the time and then I get no red spots either.Weird.

I tryed to do it like you do, pump for 5 min then release pressure for 30 sek and then pump again. When I release the pressure my dick goes down to just a little bit bigger than my normal flacidsize. Then when I start to pump again, I can’t reach any size at all, even if I let the pressure go upp to 4hg. I must take the dick out and get an erection first.

hmmm… don’t know what to do now.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Perhaps as an erection aid, you should introduce some porn DVD’s into the equation. And try instead of lowering the pressure to zero, lower it to less then 1hg. Also, start increasing your time at 3hg. Today go for 20 minutes broken into 5 minute cycles. Then the next day 25 and the next 30. Magic starts to happen when you get into the 30 minutes total pump time.

Yesterday I went for 50 minutes worth of 5 minute cycles at 3hg and the benefits are still paying off today big time. Be patient and continue adding time. I think once you hit the 30 minute mark and eventually more, you will begin to see the light.

I continue to recommend doing kegels in the tube, and milking the tube to keep the blood moving and wrapping the tube in an electric heat pad, especially now with those cold Swedish winters bearing down. I spent 7 years working in the Stockholm area and know how dark and cold it is! :)

Last edited by gprent : 10-16-2005 at .

Originally Posted by gprent
I continue to recommend doing kegels in the tube, and milking the tube to keep the blood moving and wrapping the tube in an electric heat pad, especially now with those cold Swedish winters bearing down. I spent 7 years working in the Stockholm area and know how dark and cold it is! :)

Gprent also recommends frequently a very good tip, especially to newbies to PE. He finishes his PE sessions with a full erection; an excellent check to make sure he has not overdone some aspect of his routine that might interfere with erectile function.

The point of all this work of ours is not just to grow a bigger cock, but one that works, bigger.



Gprent,when you pump for this length of time how do you keep the donut effect at bay? Do you condom pump,or is the low pressure enough to help keep the lymph fluid in check? Thanks.

When I pump for that length of time without a donut it is a combination of backing off on the pressure every 5 minutes and using low pressure in the first place. The fact that I have been pumping for a very long time might have something to do with it, but I think the first 2 factors are primary.

Last edited by gprent : 10-17-2005 at .

Porn does not help me to get an erection. I have to touch my dick while I look at porn to get an erection. As long as I’m in the pump, I can’t touch my dick.

I think I have to take my dick out of the cylinder between every 5 min session. But maybe I can use this to my advantage. Every time I take my dick out, it is then flacid. I can then get an erection. If I can’t get 100% hard, then I just stop the pumpingsession.

Do you always pump at 3hg or do you pump at 4hg sometimes? For me there is a huge difference in how big my dick gets in the cylinders at these pressures.

I’m doing a lot of kegels when I pump, but I can’t milk the tube. My tube is to big. It is a 2,5 cylinder. If I milk it, then my balls get sucked in.

Originally Posted by gprent
Perhaps as an erection aid, you should introduce some porn DVD’s into the equation. And try instead of lowering the pressure to zero, lower it to less then 1hg. Also, start increasing your time at 3hg. Today go for 20 minutes broken into 5 minute cycles. Then the next day 25 and the next 30. Magic starts to happen when you get into the 30 minutes total pump time.

Yesterday I went for 50 minutes worth of 5 minute cycles at 3hg and the benefits are still paying off today big time. Be patient and continue adding time. I think once you hit the 30 minute mark and eventually more, you will begin to see the light.

I continue to recommend doing kegels in the tube, and milking the tube to keep the blood moving and wrapping the tube in an electric heat pad, especially now with those cold Swedish winters bearing down. I spent 7 years working in the Stockholm area and know how dark and cold it is! :)

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

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