Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Safe Pumping Pressure Debate

I pump between 4-8hg. After 20 or so minutes anything under 4 feels like nothing. Keeping newbies from going over 5hg is good and all, but that range feels a little low for my Dick.

I get Frankenstein’s Dick for 3-5 hours after a 1 hour session. It feels like this range is the best for me at my level of PE. I’m just going off of feel. Am I doing it wrong or just listening to my PI’s like everyone talks about?

Originally Posted by Steinroid
I’ve been pumping for three years now and used the Penomet for 2 1/2 of that. From the start I knew this thing was way too damn powerful and it caused all kinds of negative PI’s and it did start to cause desensitization. I made massive gains with this thing but I’m very lucky I didn’t permanently injure myself with this incredible hulk green spring that they provide that wants to rip your dick off when you try to pump at all!

I got an air pump with a gauge and now I am pumping 2 30 minute sessions per day at 3 to 5 inches. Usually I get it set to five and disconnect the hose and the pressure falls after a while and I leave it there and I have had no negative PI’s and I’m not measured yet but I can see mine are gains in just a month or two. I went from packing 1 inch of the 2 inch tube to packing 3 to 3 1/2 in two months. And I don’t get any water retention

Steinroid, you gain a lot fr signature. What is ur primary girth exercise? Thanks

20 weeks using vac pump, 5min with3 inhg qnd 5min with 4inhg …5min with 5inhg… for 25min without stopping. With a 1,75/9” cylinder and 10min with 2/9” cylinder

Start: BPEL:17cm EG:12,3cm mesure 09/2018: BPEL: 19,6 EG: 13,5

LongTerm Goal: NPEL: 21 EG:15cm

Originally Posted by masterminduk7
Ok so safe limit is 5Hg. What about people who are doing pumping up to 12-15 Hg. Are they damaging their penis? Gprent, please tell me if I pump for half hour for 5 days in a week up to 5Hg, will I get 1 inch length in 6 month time? Or with this schedule, how time I need to get 1 inch in length and off course, girth as well. Please let me know what your wise experience says?

I’d say if you have experience you can exceed 5Hg. I’ve heard that you shouldn’t go above 10Hg. Some veterans can handle 10 Hg, but it’s still iffy. If your damaging your penis you can tell. The most tell tale sign in my opinion is red dots otherwise known as petechiae. Every once in awhile they aren’t a big deal, but if you get them all the time that’s bad. Also just looking for positive indicators and negative indicators in general is good. If nothing else I’d recommend just looking out for red dots.

I believe there is a correlation between time and pressure. The less time your session last, the more pressure you can take, the longer, the less, and even in low pressure you might get blisters if you pump too long.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

I agree with Red. Counting the time I started pumping for ED, I have been pumping for 15 years. Currently, I can pump for 15 minutes at 5 hg without experiencing any negative issues. However, if I pump for 20 minutes at 5 hg, I get a small amount of edema. If I reduce the vacuum to 4 hg, I can go for 20 minutes without any issues. I can also increase the hg to 15 for 30 seconds, still without issue. I have recently been doing full package pumping at 2 hg for 1.5 hours, also without any issues.

On the negative side, I have experienced some darkening of the shaft skin. I have also experienced some worsening of my ED,but that could be a result of the worsening of the affects of my diabetes. No way of telling which.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by masterminduk7
Ok so safe limit is 5Hg. What about people who are doing pumping up to 12-15 Hg. Are they damaging their penis? Gprent, please tell me if I pump for half hour for 5 days in a week up to 5Hg, will I get 1 inch length in 6 month time? Or with this schedule, how time I need to get 1 inch in length and off course, girth as well. Please let me know what your wise experience says?

Cant speak for anyone but myself, but i have been pumping at 10 for over a year now for 30 minutes… the last 3 or so minutes i pulse up to 15 and sliwly release pressure back to 10…

The diameter of the cylinder and the girth of your cock in relation to it greatly affects the safe hg level you can use. I have a 6” girth and using my regular 2.25” diameter cylinder my safe pressure is between 4 and 5hg, i.e. no red dots or oedema. I occasionally use a 2” cylinder to try and pull out some extra length. Since I am packing most of the 2” cylinder I can safely pump between 10 and 15hg, something which would be impossible with my regular 2.25” cylinder.

Originally Posted by irishjim
The diameter of the cylinder and the girth of your cock in relation to it greatly affects the safe hg level you can use. I have a 6” girth and using my regular 2.25” diameter cylinder my safe pressure is between 4 and 5hg, i.e. no red dots or oedema. I occasionally use a 2” cylinder to try and pull out some extra length. Since I am packing most of the 2” cylinder I can safely pump between 10 and 15hg, something which would be impossible with my regular 2.25” cylinder.

Is it safer to use a higher level with the lower diameter tube because the vacuum is acting on a reduced surface area?

With great penis comes great responsibility

The figures I’ve quoted above for both cylinders are safe ‘for me’; i.e. no oedema or red spots and regular night wood. I’m judging safe / productive pressure mostly on feel but also keeping an eye on the gauge readings. I think everyone has to find out what works best for them by trial and error.

Originally Posted by Jigolo
Is it safer to use a higher level with the lower diameter tube because the vacuum is acting on a reduced surface area?

No. -5inHg is -5 inHg is -5inHg: the vacuum impacting the penis is the same, regardless of how much surface area is exposed. As IJ said, he is conditioned for the greater vacuum level.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by irishjim
The figures I’ve quoted above for both cylinders are safe ‘for me’; i.e. no oedema or red spots and regular night wood. I’m judging safe / productive pressure mostly on feel but also keeping an eye on the gauge readings. I think everyone has to find out what works best for them by trial and error.

I’m of similar size and have went over 15 when pumping by feel. I’m interval pumping and ramp up as I go.

Starting 01/01/2023 bpel 8”, mseg 6”

Goal bpel 9.25” mseg 7.25”

Originally Posted by 32quarters
No. -5inHg is -5 inHg is -5inHg: the vacuum impacting the penis is the same, regardless of how much surface area is exposed. As IJ said, he is conditioned for the greater vacuum level.

Understood, thanks dudes

With great penis comes great responsibility

All-in-all remember that your tolerances are your tolerances. Regardless of what anyone states, your dick will advise what it can take. If you go through enough threads you’ll find guys that state -3inHg is too much and on the opposite end you’ll find those that pump north of -10 or -15

Negative PIs can be looked at as the law of diminishing returns: You have the find (operative word find) the sweet spot of productivity over negative indicators

However, be smart by way of taking/revving it up slowly, paying attention and being honest with yourself knowing that your quest is yours and what works for him or me may or may not pan with the results you read on here. Keep notes on your vacuum level, duration and positive/negative PIs

I would really like to hook up several different pumps, tubes, cylinders and see if 5hg is actually 5hg on all of them. I wonder what the scientific way to test that would be. Because so many PE pumps on ebay, sex sites, or amazon are of such vastly different qualities. I have a feeling that people arguing about 3hg vs 10 hg being optimal may in fact be pumping to the same exact pressure. They just have the extreme low end and extreme high end of shitty gauges.

START (2017)>>>>>>> Bpel 6.5" / Mseg 5"

CURRENT>>>>>>>>> Bpel 6.89" / Mseg 5"


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